9. Game of Cruel Intentions

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Death watched Percy Spring disappear into The Game as one of the players. So, it happened. He commenced The Game. First time in centuries, it will be played again, and there was no way of telling how it could end up. Ten players. Each one with their own dark secret and a great motivation to be the winner. Death always wondered if players were about to work together or fight until their last breath. And he could never quite understand why somehow, the second option always was in power. So much things could be achieved if only humans were able to help each other out.

But they never did.

He turned to the girl who walked out from the shadows with a mischievous smile on her big black lips. Lips that could enchant many powerful beings with its sneaky words, vain promises and charming smiles. Dressed in a dark green pantsuit, with green hair tied up high above and long, green earrings in the shape of skulls.

Yes, she loved green, but somehow, she wore it so much differently than Greed, the one of the seven deadly sins demons.

The green lady of death. One of his best and worst reapers. The one it was hard to forget about and the one that always brought problems.

Problems that he had to later deal with.

"Hello, Mint," he said, tasting her not so sweet name.

"You're really did it. You've let Percy Spring die." She shook her head, full of astonishment. "Unbelievable."

This girl had been on her nerves from the very first meeting, but whatever dangerous trick she tried to pull out, Percy Spring always came out of it alive. Like a freaking cat that had nine lives. Mint thought of her as a real pain in the ass. Whatever she tried to do with Percy Spring, the girl always managed to survive. What a shame.

"I've let her play The Game. It's the right way. I should now create destiny with my favored decisions."

Mint licked her lips, piercing him with her green gaze. Yes, he let her play The Game. Of course, since Percy Spring could not just die. Surely, not in so human and pathetic way such as a car accident.

What was with her and car accidents anyway?

"You think she'll be able to win it?" Mint laughed longly. Of course, Death thought so. Even Mint had some doubts about The Game being able to bring Percy Spring down. Nevertheless, there was a chance. "It's bit of a bloody competition, especially considering who you put her with in there. To be honest, I just can't wait to watch them all burn. It's better if she won't come out alive or she'll haunt us both." Mint folded her arms. "By the way, what's up with this medieval costume of yours? Wanted to scare those mortals even more?" she laughed, remembering not seeing Death wearing that for a long time.

Death gazed at its dark robe and slowly took it off, completely changing its look. From under the dark piece of clothing, came out a beautiful dark-haired woman, but it was only one of its outfits. Since Death was a supernatural entity, it could become whatever it wanted to be. A man, a woman, an animal, a monster. Everything.

"Better, sweetheart?" asked Death with its now high-pitched, honey-like voice.

"I don't mind, but I am interested in your ways of handling trouble. I'd never thought you would let humans play The Game ever again, but here we are. And you're still missing two players."

What are the Death's intentions?

"I figured you'd want to play."

This was obvious, but Mint knew that Death wouldn't let her play The Game, if he didn't have some interest in it. Nevertheless, whatever it was, she was ready to make a deal. This was a life-time occasion to get rid of Percy Spring once and for all.

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