14. Game of Begging

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The longer Percy walked, the more convinced she became that the maze had completely changed the placement of the books, since it was impossible for her and Blake to get that far from the starting point. Each turn she took looked just like the previous one. Only the successive new book titles she passed held her to believe that she was doing well.

Percy picked up and pulled on the rope, which stretched for a moment, but then something got loose, and she tripped, landing on the floor for the second time today.

"Very funny. Even rope makes jokes on me." Percy got up from the ground, rubbing her butt, which was sore after meeting the floor. She wondered how long she had been here and whether Blake had made it to the starting point, or had he had a similar problem.

Just then, the corridor started shaking aggressively again. She grabbed one of the book walls and waited until the maze got a new shape.

"Not like it's going to be twice as hard to come back now."

Percy turned into yet another corridor, noting that it was a dead end, because of the migration of the books. She frowned since it was nearly impossible. She was following the rope.

"Oh, no," she sighed, realizing what it meant.

Percy ran up to the end of the corridor. She placed her hand on the lips and slowly crouched to lift the rope off the ground. It was cut through.

"Oh, come on!" She took off the rope that was tied around her waist and threw it to the ground, since it was of no use anymore. "How could that have happened?"

After a moment of hysterical panic, Percy ordered herself to get it together. She took the cut end to her hands and started to examine it. The first thought was that it was cut because of creating a new wall. The books broke the connection between her and the rope. It seemed reasonable but at the same time a little far-fetched explanation. When she got separated from Blake, the books also changed their positions, but so did the rope. It was untouched.

Percy bit her lip. The other explanation was even more impossible. Because if the books had nothing to do with cutting the rope, it must've meant someone did it on purpose.

But who?

One of the books began to flap the cover next to her. Percy stepped back, noticing that one of the books she had already seen had appeared among the new books.

Why Hell sucks.

Percy closed her eyes, remembering one of the rules about this library.

Do not trust the books that you have already seen. Do not go in the direction of the books you have already seen.

"Alright, so maybe I'll just go now."

She turned around and quickly left the corridor.

"Relax, Percy, you can make it out," she started encouraging herself.

The trick was simple. Just don't go into the direction of books you've already seen. Nevertheless, it wasn't that easy, since Percy already read thousands of different titles, and remembering them all became impossible.

She paused at another bifurcation, feeling the panic rise again within her. What if she never leaves this place and will be trapped here forever? How much was left before she ceases to exist because of failing the game?

"No. You got this." She shook her head. She was a fighter. A survivor. She wasn't going to be taken hostage by books.

If you will be cut off, beg books for guidance.

That was another rule of the library, and it was the only thing left to do, since Percy had absolutely no idea which corridor to choose next.

She hesitantly cleared her throat, and said, "I'm lost. However, being with you here seems like a nice spent afternoon, I need to come back to my friends. They're counting on me. They're like a family to me. Just as you are a family to each other. I beg you for guidance. Please, show me the way." Nothing happened, so Percy continued, "This is an amazing place. A palace of knowledge, and wisdom, and probably the only such place in the whole universe. And since it's a place of wisdom, I trust you can make the right decision. The rope was cut. I don't know how it happened, but I need to come back. Please, help me."

The books started whispering around her. She didn't understand what they were saying to each other, but it sounded like a very animated conversation. One even laughed or maybe screamed - Percy wasn't sure how to interpret the slight flutter of the cover. With each passing second, her fear grew and reached an apogee, when suddenly single sheets of paper began to fall out of the walls. They surrounded her on all sides, making Percy unable to see anything in the speeding thicket of white papers.

She shielded her face from their flutter, which ended as quickly as it began, leaving a paper figure standing in front of her. It had no face, just more sheets of folded paper, arranged in a shapeless form. Even without seeing its eyes, Percy knew that the figure was staring at her. It slowly turned away and walked into one of the corridors. Percy hesitantly followed it. With each step, she felt more observed by the surroundings.

The figure led her to the last corner, where it stopped and made a low bow. Percy returned the gesture, not sure if that was their way of saying goodbye.

"Thank you so much."

The paper figure reached inside of itself with what resembled a hand. It took a moment for him to pull out a crumpled piece of paper that it gave to Percy.

For those who ask, the guidance will be always granted. It was our pleasure to meet you, Percy Spring. If you wish, you can stay longer and acknowledge things you seek to remember. Your return will be granted safely. The choice is yours.

Things she was seeking to remember. There were those pieces of memory Percy lost, and the offer was hard to reject, nevertheless, she had to leave. The time probably flew differently here. Who knows what would happen if she was left behind.

"I appreciate the offer, but I cannot stay. My friends will worry. This game will get more dangerous. Even though I want to find out more, these are not good circumstances."

The figure reached out to its inside once again and took another piece of paper.

We understand. Let us give you a warning. The books see everything. There are players who do not wish you good. Trust your instincts.

"I will."

"Percy!" She looked back, seeing Blake on the other end of the corridor.

The paper figure that was standing in front of her fell apart, creating a wall of paper that closed the doorway into the book labyrinth. Or at least this doorway, since there were many more entrances and exits.

"Goodbye," said Percy and ran to Blake, who was worrying sick about her safety. He took her by the hand and quickly led out of the corridor, even though there was no danger anymore. 

"They said the rope gave up. It came back without you. I knew I shouldn't have left you there! What happened?"

Percy shook her head, not getting a chance to answer the question, because of Trevor whose eyes got bigger at the sight of his friend. 

"Millie's not with you?" he came closer with a fear written on his face. He gazed over Percy's shoulder, looking for his girlfriend.

"Millie? I thought she was staying here?" Percy was puzzled. Why wasn't she here? At the starting point were almost everybody, except for Millie, Ryder, Mark and Kyle. Four players missing. It definitely wasn't anything good. 

Trevor shook his head and walked to the ropes that stuck from the hole in the floor. He picked the one that belonged to Percy, before it was cut. 

"She ran after you into the maze, after your rope came back without you."

"What? Get her out!" Percy came closer to him, along with Veronica. She managed to remain calm in this situation. All of them took Millie's rope in their hands. Happily, they could feel someone at the end of the rope, as it wasn't easy to pull. "Stronger!"

"Yeah, just not too strongly, or you'll basically drag her in here," instructed Veronica, and she had a point. 

"Angelica, Mint, we need to get the others here too. It's getting too dangerous," ordered Blake and took another rope in order to bring the players back, before it could be too late.  


Will all of the players come back from the book maze? 

And what about Millie? 

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