30. Game of Ghosts

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"Your girlfriend?" Percy looked once again at the pretty girl, sitting at the edge of the well. She wanted to think about something rude, but the girl not only seemed extra nice but also her whatever this form was, seemed quite nice. Nothing like the dark Millie that Percy earlier encountered.

He gets a pony, while I got a fucking terminator?

That game didn't feel so just anymore.

"My ex-girlfriend," corrected Blake, remembering that after all, Bianca wasn't in his life anymore.

"Ex?" she asked with her tone dropping a few inches like she was about to cry.

"You can't be with someone dead," Blake explained, but the girl didn't seem to understand the concept of death. She furrowed her brow, trying to comprehend what Blake just said.

"I'm dead?"

"Technically, we all are." Percy made a fair point since they died in the car accident. The only difference was that they were players with a chance to come back to life. And Bianca? Percy had no idea what she was, but she definitely wasn't one of the players.

Blake turned around to Percy, trying to think just a little bit logically. He lowered his voice and asked, "Do you think it's really her?"

"You mean, like a ghost?"

"Yeah. I mean, the ghost of her, the real her, not an illusion or a decoy, or a trap, whatever this sick game could make."

Seeing the desperate look on Blake's face, Percy wanted to support him and assure him that this is the spirit of his girlfriend and he has just got a second chance to see her again. A second chance to save her, to say a proper goodbye. But the reality was different, and believing in such a beautiful scenario couldn't make it real.

"I don't think that dead people are trapped in the game forever. Especially those who didn't even get a chance to play it. Everything here, except for the players, is probably just a part of the game. Otherwise, why would there be only Bianca, and no other dead?"

All of the players had someone whom they missed, but neither of them was seeing their dearest from the past.

"I am real and I can hear you!" Bianca exclaimed with her eyebrows still furrowed.  "What's going on, Blake? Where are we?"

Blake looked at Bianca, then at Percy, and at Bianca again, not sure what to think about it all.

"We're in the game created by Death," he slowly explained. "And we're all dead."

She laughed it off. "No, we can't be dead."

"Then how did you get here?" he asked her, making it also a test to see if it was his Bianca.

The illusion or a shapeshifter couldn't have her memories.

At least that was what he wanted to believe in.

"How should I know why we're here!" She started looking around as if it was the first time she noticed it was an underwater supernatural kingdom. She then touched her face, as if she was checking why it is possible she can breathe if she was in the water. And with every touch, she became more on the edge. Like a lost puppy in the middle of the dark forest.

"What's the last you remember?" Blake's voice, helped Bianca calm down.

She bit her lip and replied, "W-we were together in y-your house, I proposed to go out and eat something s-since we were cuddling in your bed for the whole afternoon." She smiled. "You replied that I can eat you," Bianca added, making Blake smile as well. "We went out and decided to go on our motorcycles. We loved riding on them. You wanted to use one for the two of us to cuddle even more, but I said,"

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