35. Game of Gems

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As Percy predicted, they were the last team to get to the meeting point. All the other players were already waiting by the door, missing only one last gem - their gem, Sapphire. Neither of them seemed anything more than a little bit bruised - a big difference from bleeding Blake and Percy, who were still having a bit of trouble with walking, as her head was spinning. Her friends - the real ones, Millie and Trevor - got instantly worried, seeing their team in such a state.

"Perce, what the hell happened again?" Millie ran up to her and took her friend by the arm to help her walk. "Trouble seems to be following you everywhere you go."

"Yeah, don't tell me."

"Guys, really, like, what even bit you? That was supposed to be a swimming pool, how dangerous could that be?" Trevor helped Kyle supporting Blake.

Percy thought that it was probably the first and last time they were so close without throwing accusations, yelling at each other or fighting for Millie. They just ignored themselves, for the Blake's sake.

"The swimming pool was actually an Underwater Kingdom, with mermaids, skeleton and lizard monsters, and water ghost, and, so many, many things more," Blake explained. He seemed to be feeling much better now, although Percy was scared about his wound. It definitely needed to be cleaned and sterilized, before it gets worse.

"Awful, but what-"

"Millie," Percy cut in, "later."

Her best friend understood that there was more to this story, and some things couldn't be said aloud. She slowly nodded and continued on what happened to them, "well, we, on the other hand, got the Amethyst in the lab. It was crazy, we had to make the formula for some kind of antidoting, based on some clues. But Mark rocked it, seriously, it's like he got all of this by himself!" Millie loudly praised her new colleague, who clearly got red cheeks, hearing someone talking so nicely of him.

"It was a teamwork," he replied, even though he knew that without him, Millie and Trevor would be probably lost. He needed their help too though.

"And what about the bitch team?" Percy nodded her head at the team, that included Veronica, Mint and Angelica.

Millie burst into laughing, hearing the new nickname for them, what made the other players stare at them. She lowered her voice and said, "they were in some kind of mirror labyrinth in the girls bathroom. But they didn't beat us, so I guess they didn't have it easy either. Veronica didn't spoke a word since coming back. Maybe losing to my team was too hard for her." Millie shrugged, but Percy could easily tell she was overjoyed that her team was the first one at the finish line.

Percy's team, couldn't care less about winning, after what they've been through.

"And their gem was?"


So, the six gems they had to collect were Emerald, Opal, Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst and Topaz. They finally had them all.

"Hey girls," Kyle shouted to Angelica, Veronica and Mint. "What was your quest?"

Percy was truly curious about it, and so was Millie, and both of them were glad they didn't had to ask that question, and someone else did.

"The bathroom turned out to be a maze, and so first, we had to find the gem hidden in the heart of the maze, and then find a way back. Something like the library, except we were missing a rope and had to come up with some different way not to get lost," Angelica sighed as if it was really hard.

"So now we know why girls are spending so much time in the bathroom," Kyle commented, making Millie chuckle. He smiled, happy that he got her attention, while Trevor narrowed his eyes, seeing that another guy, especially Kyle, made his girlfriend laugh.

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