28. Game of Stories

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While Blake began setting up the fake mirrors in the proper alignment, Percy looked at the story depicted on the small stained-glass windows that form a single unit. Percy was almost certain that it involved Blake, for the figure depicted on the stained glass was confusingly similar to him – with many tattoos on the arms and hands, his short hairstyle in the motorcycle style, and the popular guy look that was so typical for him. Percy has seen him too many times not to recognize him on a window, that maybe wasn't the most detailed and transparent, but just enough to know.

The girl in the story wasn't her though. Percy had no idea who it was, as she didn't look like anyone from the game. It had to be someone special to Blake and since he said he didn't have any siblings, it probably was his girlfriend or rather ex-girlfriend.

The girl on the window died. The story started as what it looked like first meeting in the bar, through some moments spent together on the motorcycles and on the hill he once took her to, right to the last image that presented the girl lying lifeless in his arms.

So that's why he is so afraid of the commitment, though Percy, as it all added up now.

Blake already experienced what is the loss of someone important to him, and he didn't want to feel that kind of pain ever again.

Not sure if it was the right moment to bring that story up, Percy quickly moved aside. She was curious, but on the other hand, the window told it all. She only wasn't sure if it wasn't lying. After all, it was just some pictures she saw in the game created by Death. Everything here might have been a deception, including the backstories of the players.

Curious about the past of others, she looked at the next window. This time the person presented there was Veronica. Just my favorite, Percy thought with a snark. The story was quite simple but left her speechless. Veronica and Kyle together, kissing in the school's cafeteria – which was obvious, considering how big of an obsession Veronica must've had about Kyle. Something like a perfect love story of theirs. Until the image that was showing their fight in his house and Veronica burning Millie's photos in her bedroom.

If that wasn't proof enough of her hate towards Millie, Percy wouldn't know what was. She wouldn't let anyone hurt Millie, and even though Veronica was her friend once too, Percy's doubts started becoming bigger and bigger. At first, maybe she was even able to sort things out after her anger would pass, but with every moment there was more proof and thoughts that Veronica wasn't innocent. Maybe Percy wasn't ready to accuse her of their accident, but surely she wouldn't let her go anywhere near Millie.

Quick fix of the false mirror to make the light of the window with a story of a false friend reflect on the coffin, and she moved to another one. Kyle, ugh. She didn't like him so much that she just wanted to skip this story, but she got too curious. It wasn't anything she wouldn't know though. There were parts of the stained-glass window that showed Kyle being with Veronica and his friends in the school. Winning some prizes due to his sports activities. Meeting Millie at the camp. And rather a sensual image of them together, that Percy preferred not to see.

Gosh, I wish I didn't see it, she thought to herself with disgust and rather quickly moved to another one that took her breath away. Mint. The girl she was supposedly afraid of. After all, she was on the monitor in that creepy room of all Percy's fears. Still, she didn't understand why she should be afraid of her. They had never met. Or was it an inner intuition not to trust her? Maybe it was related to what she didn't remember? But Mint's story didn't remind her of anything. No glimpses of the past.

Her story seemed like a story of betrayal. It started with Mint kissing some guy and touching his body. She was looking deeply in love. Then, it was Mint looking from the distance at the man that seemed to be talking with some girl – but Percy wasn't sure as her body was covered by his. Another picture – presenting Mint in the paranormal green flames –was surely some kind of metaphor for her anger and feelings. Percy surely would feel like this image, if someone betrayed her. In the last one, Mint was shaking hands with some other man whose body looked like it was melting from below in the wind. For Percy, it looked a little bit like disappearing in the "Avengers: Endgame".

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