44. Game of Regret

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Millie was walking around, searching for a right key, nevertheless all of them looked like trouble. She could see trouble even in a smiley face on one of the keys.

This game was full of dangers. Even the most innocent things could probably bring them down.

In the corner of her eye, she saw Trevor approaching her. Millie ignored him, and continued the search for the perfect key, until he start talking.

"Millie, can I get one second with you, please?" Trevor almost begged, and his eyes were full of hope she would give him a moment of her time.

Millie wasn't convinced but she decided to give Trevor a chance to speak his mind. She knew it would be about his betrayal. About the only thing she couldn't understand. She wanted some kind of explanation. Why? Why would he do it? What was wrong with her? Why Veronica was better? Why would he want some other girl? Was she that bad? Was their relationship that broken?

She had so many questions, and no answers. It gutted her deep inside. That lack of knowledge, that pain of betrayal from someone she loved the most in the world.

How could that happen?

And was there any sort of her fault?

Why would he hurt her that badly?

Even the thought of it made her almost lose it, almost break again. He was her everything, and he took her heart and just broke it into pieces that couldn't be put back together ever again.

"If you must," she replied with coldness, although what she wanted the most was to forget it ever happened, fell into his arms and repair their broken pieces.

Thinking about it was too painful.

Trevor took her on the side, although there wasn't many people left.

"I know it probably means nothing to you, but I am truly sorry for what happened. I have no recollection of that night. I'm not even sure what exactly happened."

He already said that, and that couldn't change anything.

It only hurt more.

"The amount of alcohol consumed doesn't make it like it didn't happen. It doesn't justify cheating," Millie said, realising her voice was breaking.

Everything inside of her was broken.

"Maybe I didn't know my limits, I don't remember, but I regretted everything since it happened. It was not my intention to hurt you in any way."

There was no cure for her pain. She wished to forget, to became completely numb, to not feel it all.

Maybe he was a cheater, but she still loved him. She loved him and she hated him, and everything just hurt so much.

"But you did so anyway. You cheated on me. With my friend, by the way, because back then I didn't know it's enemy in disguise."

What a revenge Veronica had. She took her boyfriend, yet that wasn't enough. She also had to took their lives.

"I know. I know it's unforgettable. But since in this game anything can happen..."

Anything can happen... Millie wasn't sure if she even had enough strength to continue playing. Part of her just wanted to stop feeling, and a way to do that was to lose the game.

To stop existing.

To be free of that pain.

"Since I may not meet you again," Trevor continued, "I just wanted you to know how much I love you, how much I'm sorry and how much I wish for your forgiveness. If I could, I'd have turn back time and leave that party with you. I know it already happened, and it pains me that I can't even remember that, but I'm sure there's more to the story. I'd never cheat on you like that. I know it's only words. I know they might mean nothing to you. That's understandable, especially since it did happen. Still, I love you with my whole heart, and I'd sacrifice my life just to save yours. And even if you will hate me for the rest of our lives, or afterlives, I would do anything for you. And I hope that maybe, maybe one day you will forgive me. I will be waiting for that day, wherever it will be."

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