um hi

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well hello there!

this is just a little preface for before we get into this au

firstly, i'd like to thank you so much for clicking on my book! i really hope you enjoy it :))

secondly, i just wanted to note some tiny things that will probably make the reading experience a lot easier:

Lucas, Sungchan, and Shotaro: 

yeah, i know these three aren't part of nct anymore *silent crying* but when i started writing counting on stars, well, they were.... and i was literally on like the last chapter when the news came out :( so instead of rewriting the whole thing and pretending they never existed, i mentioned them maybe like once. tiny, unnoticeable details, yk, but i still wanted to put them in here bc i love them too much not to. (dyk how hard it was to mention every single one of the 20 remaining NCT members at least twice in this teeny, tiny book? omg the amount of editing I did- anyways, moving on-)


okay i probably shouldn't be wasting a section on this but, oh well, i'm a bit too detail-oriented sometimes so here we go: basically the age order of the nct members is still the same: taeil being the oldest and jisung being the youngest. BUT they're all in 10th grade. don't overthink it. 

oh and heights- well nct is like hella tall (as are most male kpop idols lol) but imagine them in high school... probably not as tall, right? ten and byeol (our main character) are the same height so you can imagine them both being like 5' 5" or smth (imagine ten being so smol lol)

okay ig that was kinda unnecessary but anyways-


um this one was difficult... i just recently found out that jaehyun's name, like, isn't "jaehyun"?? but that still sounds like a name so in this fanfic, everyone keeps their nct/wayv names (even if they aren't their real names, like hendery) except for winwin, who will be referred to by his real name, sicheng. i mean, lets be real, whose mom is actually gonna name their son winwin? not that i don't like the name or anything, it's cute, but it's also not very.... realistic. and this fanfic is realistic fiction.


i had to make a note of this especially bc of wayv and the chinese line in dream bc they know like 2-5 languages lol. basically all of nct knows two languages: english (bc they're living in canada 0.0) and whatever their native language is. for example, taeyong would know english and korean. renjun would know english and chinese. ten would know english and thai, etc, etc. everyone has their asian roots but they're like that one big friend group in a canadian school lol

alrighty i think that's all of that! i might come back and add stuff in case i remember smth else later on.

so i started writing counting on stars... maybe... a couple of months after i got into nct? so me, being a baby ncitizen, had to do a lot of research to understand each member's personalities and just their vibe in general to see who would best fit what chapter-- and that eventually made me into the huge ncitizen i am today. the past, like, 11 months with them were so, so nice! 

i started writing this fanfic because i, just like byeol, was in a new school for the tenth time and, unlike byeol, was having such a hard time to find friends. so what did i do when i was sitting by myself the first few months? i wrote counting on stars. 

after a while, however, i gave up on it... i guess i just didn't feel the need to continue it. that was until i showed one of my other friends the first three chapters and she (being a huge lee ten fanatic) demanded me to finish it. so then i thought, okay why not? and even though i feel like there are some things that i could've done better, some chapters i could've written differently, i don't think this book is too shabby. compared to my other works, i'd give it a solid second place (atinys, this is your hint to check out my other book Black & Silver!! and for you armys, i have one called Enigma :D I even hv a tiny one for p1eces called iffy- you don't even hv to be a p1harmony stan to read that one actually lol) 

but ngl i dont think i could've survived that new school without nct, or even this fanfic. you don't realize how much smth meant to you during a rough time until you've moved past it, i guess, and then you think back and be like "thank goodness for that otherwise i might not have made it" lol.

im honestly so mad at SM for what they did to lucas, sungchan and shotaro. stupid sm. 

okay okay im gonna stop ranting now and you can begin reading~

please please please comment *pout* like, i wanna know what's going on in your head as your reading my work bc... did my symbolism make sense?? is there stuff that im doing wrong?? can i make things better in my next books?? did these certain jokes make sense or did i just make a fool of myself?? 

you get it, don't you?

please comment 🥺🥺🥺

okay fine im actually gonna stop ranting now

i hope you enjoy!!


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