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Dance practice was going... okay... at the best. The huge argument they had minutes ago was still fresh in their mind, and though dance was their stress reliever, the two sophomores were still pretty shaken up. Ten was still trying to process everything that had happened and- most importantly- trying to accept the fact that he yelled at his friend. For reasonable reasons, he reminded himself, but it was difficult to get rid of the traces of anger in his bones. As for Byeol, she was no better. Not only was she trying to calm herself after shouting at her best friend (she hadn't done such a thing since, like, 3rd grade), but she was also trying to revive all the energy she had lost from crying. Again.

Ten and Byeol were running through their choreography without the music, adding small details, but they both were messing up on the most basic things. Ten kept getting his counts wrong, which was something he only did when he couldn't concentrate. Byeol kept mixing up the moves, but not because she was an inexperienced dancer.

"This isn't working." Ten said with a sigh, plopping down on the floor. Byeol crashed as well, panting.

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm still kinda... out of it..." She tried to reason.

"No, don't worry, I am too." He waved her off quickly. He added, "Quite a fight right?"

She chucked breathlessly and nodded. "Quite a fight."

They stayed in silence for a few minutes. Ten stretched while Byeol drank some water in efforts to keep her rapid-fire thoughts at bay. There was one that refused to be ignored.

"... Ten?" Byeol called hesitantly, glancing up at him. Ten looked at the girl, who was leaning her back against the glass wall. He walked over and sat in front of her.


"Why... Why does Elaena hate me so much?" She finally forced out. Last time, she was okay if he wasn't comfortable with sharing. But now...

Ten pursed his lips and looked down, suddenly interested in his bracelets. Byeol watched him.

"Elaena and I..." He started, then faltered. He took a breath and continued, "W-We were dating last year."

Byeol raised her eyebrows. It didn't make sense in her eyes, a barbie-doll girl like her and a aloof dancer like him, but it did explain her behavior around Byeol. She simply said, "Go on."

"She was... she was in a... really dark place..." it seemed like he was struggling to sort out his words.

"Ten," Byeol cut him off, looking at him with a softer gaze. "Please, just... you can come clean. I won't judge or think whatever you think I'll think- if that's making you hold back." She gave him a smile and he nodded, looking away.

"Jaehyun had played her." He said, trying to listen to her and not to imagine what she was thinking. "And Elaena and I kinda knew each other so we were just talking one day when she completely broke down and told me everything that happened. I felt bad because, like, one of my best friends really hurt this girl and I guess I take things too personally sometimes... so I tried to hang out with her just to give her some company during that rough time in her life. Eventually she started to grow on me and I think she already really liked me by then, so... one thing led to another, I don't know when or how, and we started dating. Things were okay for a while, but then I started to see how she used me for every little thing. Her homework, grabbing something at the store for her- it went on. She'd even brag about me to all her friends just to show off! And she never understood how to have a passion for anything art related. All she could imagine was, I dunno, makeup. One day..." Ten shook his head as he got pulled back into his memories. He looked up, staring into Byeol's (startled) eyes. "She took it too far one day. Made me choose between her and dance. I-I couldn't take it anymore; only the people I prioritize, like my friends or maybe family, come before dance. She wasn't in that league. Didn't deserve to be. So I had to dump her. I thought she was doing okay after that; she kept pretty silent until..." He trailed off, pursing his lips.

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