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Byeol got rid of all Taeyong-related thoughts that night itself. She can't like anyone. Not for a while, at least. Not while her mom still kept her moving. She's already learned her lesson this past move. So maybe it wasn't that she can't like anyone, because yes, she did find Taeyong interesting, but it was more that she can't let herself like anyone. Not that it really mattered anyway; both meant the same thing. No more dating.

So after giving herself a long, mental talk about not getting too close to anyone in Ten's friend group (aside from Ten, of course, because it was too late for that), she finally went to sleep.

The following school day was a Wednesday. Byeol was excited to go to the dance studio with Ten after school. They were done with making the entire choreography, and the only thing left to do was practice, practice, and practice. Byeol hoped she could convince him to play some other music because she couldn't get Lovely out of her head for the past month.

With those thoughts in mind, the day went on pretty normal. Classes, quiet lunch with Julia, more classes.

Things quickly went downhill after that.

Towards the end of last period, Byeol's math teacher needed to send a note to admin about who knows what, but she couldn't do it herself. So, picked a student to deliver it for her, which ended up being Byeol. Byeol gladly accepted the chance to miss a few minutes of class and took her time to deliver the note, strolling through the halls as she tried her best to remember the route. Everything was super quiet. All that could be heard were the few loud teachers, their voices fading in and out as Byeol passed by their classroom.

She was on her way back, passing through the empty science hallways, when she felt a strong pair of hands grab her shoulders and pull her back, making her face the source. It took a moment for Byeol to finally lay her eyes on the curled blonde hair, perfect white teeth, red lipstick and heavy mascara, and she finally realized who it was.

"I don't understand you." Elaena said lowly, glaring deep into Byeol's soul. Normally Byeol would have a moment to think whenever her worst enemy came within her sight, but Elaena caught her completely off-guard. Fear engulfed the smaller girl as Elaena fumed, letting the past month of anger accumulate and run through her veins.

"How many times do I have to say it?" She continued, "You've been testing my patience way too much. Haven't I made myself clear?" She paused for a second, looking at Byeol's injured hand. Byeol had only just got the cast off, which meant it still hurt a lot and therefore it took every inch of her being not to scream in pain when Elaena grabbed her hand, holding it up in Byeol's face. She bit down her shouts and tried to pull her hand away, but Elaena simply tightened her grip.

"Hurts?" She asked with fake concern, mockingly pouting as Byeol whimpered, shutting her eyes. Byeol tried to use her other hand to pry Elaena's fingers off her injury, but it was of no use. Elaena continued to tighten her hold, a maniacal smile ruining her doll-like face.

"Please, stop..." Byeol begged, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Why? Nothing I do seems to make you learn your lesson." She said cockily and finally let go of Byeol's hand. Byeol held it close to her chest, shaking as she looked at Elaena with disbelief and horror.

At the end of the hallway, a bored sophomore boy by the name of Park Jisung was skipping class. He was wandering the halls when he turned a corner and his gaze fell on two girls at the opposite side of the long hallway. He frowned- it looked like they were fighting. No, wait, one was hurting the other. Jisung was about to go the other way, not interested in girl drama, when he suddenly recognized the blonde curls and butterfly clip. He never really understood what was the problem between them, and how his friend Ten was involved, but he knew it was bad. Like, very bad. Reolli bad. He considered shouting at them to get Elaena distracted, but the halls were too quiet. He'd get unnecessary attention on Byeol and himself. He sprinted.

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