Christmas Gift 💕

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Third Person POV

It was Christmas Eve, and the Frost family sat together watching Christmas films whilst being in their pyjamas and drinking hot chocolate. In the corner of the room sat a Christmas tree with about a dozen presents wrapped up under it.

Susanna hasn't stopped looking at the massive present in the middle, with her name signed on it by her parents. She's itching to open it.

Susanna POV

"I want to know what you've gotten me for that huge present, I want to open it so bad". It's getting hard for me to wait even though Christmas Day is just a few hours away.

"Don't worry you'll find out in the morning, all me and your father are telling you is that you are going to love it" said her mother, teasing her for her curiosity.

My brother Michael who's been on his phone throughout the movie, looks at me and said "No screaming at the top of your lungs tomorrow morning at like 7 o'clock because I will beat your ass". Never changes does he?

"Michael language! Susan is only 10 it's normal for her to get as excited as she does, so did you at her age" replied my mother not liking my older brother's use of foul language.

"Whatever," Michael says rolling his eyes. I look over at his phone seeing him send love heart emojis to a girl in his contacts called 'beautiful Bella' whilst he's smiling.

"Ooh, who are you texting, your girlfriend?" I say teasingly.

"Shut up! You know I'm message Bella, we're best mates you know this!" Can't he take a joke?

"You two never change do you". My father says sighing afterwards.

After finishing the film everyone heads to bed, I practically dive into mine, ready for tomorrow. I can't stop thinking about my gift. Whilst in thought I drift off into my slumber until the morning.

Angel POV

I'm so scared. A part of me is excited to finally leave this cardboard box, but the other side wants me to never leave, not wanting to find out what will happen to me once the youngest human finally has my life officially in their hands.

I'm petrified of the human girl, she's so loud and scary. I'm hoping that if she is mean she'll still let me have my best friend Fluffy the Bunny. He keeps me calm. I hug him tightly.

I'm hoping the human is not like the last one, I've learned a lot from my past owner. Never talk to your owner unless given permission, always obey commands and accept eating and sleeping conditions as a pet.

From the girls conversation with her family earlier it had been said that she is 10 years old. That's 3 years older than me, I'm only 7.

I cover my ears as I suddenly hear loud shouting throughout the house from the younger human, feeling even more anxious awaiting the time for me to be discovered.

I've been sitting with my hands to my ears for the past 30 minutes, not wanting to risk my eardrums bursting from the loud noise.

That's when the box was suddenly picked up, making me fall and squeak in surprise. Strangely the box I'm in was now being handed with care by the human child as she removed the wrapping paper and soon the pieces of cardboard, revealing me.

That's when our eyes meet for the first time, startling me at how huge she is. I shrink back into the corner, intimidated by her, scared she's going to harm me.

Susanna POV

I was shocked to find out that my gift I've been waiting to open is a human, a pet human. I'm happy, but I don't really like the idea of something so human being treated unequal to me. I feel guilty as she fearfully looks up at me and shies away.

She's so small and adorable but fragile and noticeably very young, maybe around 8 years old. I don't want her to be afraid of me.

I slowly and gently scooped her up into my palms, watching her as she squeaks with terror, curling up into a ball to protect herself, Shaking.

Whispering to her, to not hurt her little ears, "please don't be scared, I won't hurt you you're completely safe, please know I want you to be my friend and not to be my pet"

Still trembling she looks up at me with her big blue eyes "you're not? Y-you won't p-p-put me in a c-cage or feed m-me pet food?" She says, her voice sounding like she's going to fall apart at any moment.

"Of course I won't, what's your name I'm Susanna". "A-Angel". "That's such a pretty name, do you want to sit with me at the table to have Christmas dinner together as you're part of the family now?" Cradling her to my chest, adored by how cute she is.

"Y-yes please, if it's okay?". "Of course it is, do you like stuffing, I love stuffing, you must try it." "I-I've never had i-it before, b-but I'd love to t-try". Making conversation as I walk over to the table taking a seat.

"Merry Christmas Angel". "Um, m-merry Christmas?".

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