Afterschool Chat PT 2 💕

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Blue POV

Waking up I go to get ready for school looking at myself in the mirror or just a shard of a broken mirror. He saw his sickly looking tan skin. Messy curly dark blonde hair. Dull blue eyes. His skinny frame. The new and old scars and bruises. The huge bruise on his face was the most concerning.

He grabbed some of his mother's concealer and covered up his injuries. He grabbed his stuff ready for school leaving his home one type of hell to another type. He felt nothing as he walked into class and tried to concentrate even though it was difficult.

"Hey. Blue.". He was startled as the words of his teacher caught his attention. "Y-yes miss Beldam?" I asked shyly. She smiled down at me kindly. "At the end of the day would you be able to come to my class? I would like to have a chat with you. Is that okay?" She asked.

I wasn't quite sure what to say. I wouldn't want to get in trouble with dad for being home late and I wasn't looking forward to what she wanted to talk about. But if it was important then it's probably best to do as she says. "Sure miss". I say and she smiles heading back to her desk.

The rest of the day was a blur. Barely even remember attending any of the classes today or anything I was being taught. I didn't have the desire to interact with anyone or eat anything for lunch. Not that I could because I didn't pack myself anything and I don't have any money to buy myself anything.

Multiple times Joseph and his friends tried to approach me or find me but I just ran away or hid when they were around. I wouldn't be able to handle their constant bullying. Sure they haven't ever physically hurt him, not that they legally could but their constant cruel words were enough to frighten him.

He also tried to consider whether or not his apologetic words yesterday were genuine. It was very difficult to believe. Especially coming from someone like him. Why would he put me through shit then apologize feeling guilty for his actions? It just didn't make any sense.

As the last bell rang that everyone could leave their classes and go home he tried to build up even a little bit of confidence as he headed to his English teachers classroom. Sure she was a kind teacher and not to seem racist but she was a giant. Many giants enjoyed power over humans as we can't do anything to stop them. Who knows maybe her kindness is something she is forced to show as apart of her job? That she's as cruel as the others?

With all these thoughts clouding in his mind he had only just realised that he is outside the door to the classroom. Which is open as he is unable to open the door himself. He walked in to see miss Beldam calmly writing at her desk. Thinking that he could be disrupting her she tries to leave only for her to notice him on the ground as she looks away from her written work.

"Oh, hello Blue. I apologize dear I didn't realise you had entered my classroom" she says now focusing all her attention on him. "It's okay" he says quietly anxiously playing with his fingers and looking away. He gets startled by the sight of her huge hand suddenly approaching, flinching. Closing his eyes.

When nothing happened he opened his eyes cautiously and looked up at her. To see her palm on the ground open facing upwards and holding a worried expression on her features. "I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't mean to frighten you. I just thought it'd be better if we had our conversation with you atop of my desk. I apologize I should've warned you" she says clearly concerned from the reaction she had caused him to have.

He slowly and nervous climbed into her hand. He sat down kneeling on his knees at she starts to lift her hand into the air towards her desk. During the movement that was slow to her but fast to him he wrapped his arms around her ring finger afraid to fall.

When her hand was on her desk he climbed off quickly, feeling embarrassed about grabbing her finger. He stood by the stationary holder giving a small bit of space between them. "Sorry. For grabbing your finger miss. I didn't mean it. I swear." She says anxiously.

"It's quite alright. No need to apologise." She said surprising him that she didn't scold him for what he just did. "So Blue dear. I wanted to have a chat with you as I've noticed your behaviour in class. Understandibly you are a quiet shy kid like many your age and especially of your smaller size. However I've also noticed a decrease in your hard work and progress to your work in class. So I was wondering if maybe anything has happened that may have affected that?"

She said making him nervous unsure of what to say. She continues before he can say anything. "I understand completely it's not easy to open up about your personal life to someone you don't quite trust. But, Blue. I've been informed of something serious by a pupil in your class which I'm afraid for the time being I cannot name. But sweetheart can you be honest with me".

He starts to tremble and without thinking properly he nods his head. Did Joesph tell her about what happened yesterday? Did he tell her about his disgustingly skinny body or the countless scars and bruises decorating it. He look up at her with tears in his eyes that he fought back to stop from shedding.

"Do you have scars and bruises on your stomach dear? If so would you be able to show me them in the case you might need medical attention and if you feel comfortable talking about how you got them?" She asked slowly and calmly. That was when he lost it. He started sobbing but tried all her could to wipe the tears falling from his eyes and cover his mouth to hide the embarrassing noise he was making.

She gave him a look that melted from shock into concern. As his tears blurred his vision her hands scooped him up gently. It startled him causing him to back into her fingers and to let out a rather heavy gasp of air. "Shhhh. It's okay dear. It's okay" she whispered to him. She used her thumb to attempt to wipe away his flood of tears.

He looked up in surprise with red teary broken eyes. "Sweetie. Could you please please tell me who did that to you? Was it any bullies or anyone in school?" She asked which he paused for a second. What should he do? Should he tell her the truth or lie? There's no point in lying now that she knows about his injuries. But what will he do when his father find out he told someone.

He sniffled shaking his head. "No. It wasn't anyone in school?" She asked. He shakes his head again. "Was it a member of your family?". He went still and was on the inside and outside panicking as his teacher was getting close and close to finding out the truth. She clearly noticed his slightly for fearful change in behaviour.

Not being able to handle all the fear trapped inside him any longer he just told her what she wanted to know. "IT WAS MY DAD!" He screaming out surprising his teacher. "My dad. He, he hurt me." He had tears in his eyes, fresh ones ready to break free.

"My dad is a giant. He likes to take his anger out on me whether it's because I've done something wrong or something has upset him.". "Normally I end up with scars and bruises but sometimes as punishment he will starve me, for days". He finally broke down again "HE'S GOING TO KILL ME WHEN HE FINDS OUT I'VE TOLD YOU!" He sobs into his hands.

He is then suddenly brought to his teachers chest which looks like she's attempting to give him a hug. He grips her shirt crying into it. "It's okay sweetheart. I won't let him put his hands on you ever again. He should've been your father not your abuser. He's a terrible person who deserves to be locked up".

"Listen to me dear". She says bringing her hands with him in front of her face. He wiped his face trying to get rid of his tears. "I'm going to make sure the police arrest him so he can't go near you again. Do you have a mother or another member of the family to be your parental guardian?" She asks.

"I have a mother but the only time I get to see her she's passed out on the sofa drunk. She doesn't care about me enough to want to spend time with me or see me and I don't have any other family.". He says sadly sniffling. "How would you feel if I spoke with the police after arresting your father to adopt you and be your legal guardian? Would you like that?".

"Really? You would want to adopt me?". She looks at me giving a sweet smile. "Of course dear. I knew something was wrong but couldn't take action unless I knew for sure and honestly sweetheart I really care for you. I care for all my students but I always felt like I had to protect you". She said.

"Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you so much" he says breaking down in tears again at the fact that this woman who he thought was just some teacher who don't give a shit apart from getting paid from doing her job wants to save him from the terrible life he's been forced to live through at home.

I'm praying that her words are truthful because I want more than anything to escape the hell that I've always known into kind arms.

G/T One Shots حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن