Different 💕

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TW's: Bullying, self harm

Alec POV

I hate being so different. Everyday of school is a living hell for me. I can't go a day without someone making fun of the way I look. I was born with dark skin with vitiligo, which is a chronic autoimmune disorder that causes patches of skin to lose pigment or colour. I have green eyes and black curly hair. I get called ugly, a freak, a monster for how I look.

I head to art class sitting at the back where I normally sit, to not draw attention to myself. I see the guys that regularly pick on me, on the other side of the class room giggling and writing something down on a piece of plain paper.

I look away as it's thrown directly at my face. I pick it up, opening it, only for it to say "If I was as ugly as you I wouldn't be able to live with myself, I'd kill myself as soon as possible". I'm on the brink of tears as I ask politely to use the bathroom, running there and locking myself in there, crying.

I take out a razor from my blazer pocket, lifting up my sleeves to reveal many cuts some old some fresh as I cut new ones into my wrist, accidentally making one too deep and the blood dripping getting on my blazer. Cursing to myself internally, I wipe up the blood, cover the deeper cut with a plaster.

I take off my blazer, quickly making my way to my locker, grabbing my school jumper slipping it over me and throwing my blazer in there. I make my way back to class getting on with my art project in class.

Katherine POV

As the school bell rings to announce break I go to hang out outside. My dyed red hair flowing as I walk. I attended a human and giant integrated school, I'm a human. A lot of humans are scared of giants but I'm not, they're just people like us but on a large scale. I decide to sit under a bench so I can sneak on my phone without being noticed.

I notice above me a group of 5 guys picking on a boy, they throw a bunch of water at him with their water bottles soaking him then proceeding to laugh at him and walk away. The boy sits down on the bench I'm currently under feeling sympathetic as he starts crying.

I come out from under the bench to talk to him and I look at him to realise it's my crush, Alec. I feel even more compelled to comfort him now as I clear my throat.

"Hey, are you okay?". He looks up looking around with a confused look on his face that made him look adorable, I giggle. "Down here". He looks down, now noticing me. "Oh, sorry" he mutters. "It's okay".

"Hey, would you be able to pick me up, if that's okay?". "Oh, um, sure". He reaches down and gently scoops me up, placing me on the bench. "Hi, I'm Katherine". "Hello Katherine, I'm Alec" he says shyly with a slight blush on his face. "Oh, I know, we share a few classes together".

"Oh, I didn't realise, I'm sorry". He says rubbing his eyes that were red from crying. "You don't have to apologize". I look up at him smiling only for it to fade as quickly as it came. "You didn't answer my question, are you okay, I just saw the way those horrible boys were treating you?"

Alec POV

I was taken back by the question, a little hesitant about what to say. I start to shake a little, hoping she wouldn't notice only for her to come closer to me putting her hand on top of mine. She is so pretty with crystal blue eyes, caramel skin  and ruby red hair, that appeared to be dyed. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but just know that if you do I'm willing to listen" she smiled at me kindly, no one has looked at me that way since my mum died.

I take a shaky breath, being prepared for the answer I'm going to give her. "N-no not really, they always pick on me", I take a pause being mindful of what I say "for how my skin looks, they've been doing it for a long time".

"Well, if you ask me, they're just jealous they can't look as amazing and beautiful as you do, I mean what's not to love about you, you're gorgeous, smart, talented, kind, you're incredible". I looked down at her blush spreading on my face like a wild fire and the same seemed to be happening to her.

"I-I'm sorry, I um, I'm getting off track, the point is you're a great person, those assholes don't deserve your attention if you ask me". "Trust me I've been there and still am"

Katherine POV

"I get bullied for also looking different, I um, I have heterochromia, one of my eyes are blue and the other is brown, but I wear blue contacts because I used to get judged for my eyes looking disgusting and believe me some of the stuff that gets said to me is horrible, which is why I'm out here by myself, to at least avoid being bullied to some extent".

I take out my contacts to show off my multicoloured eyes, feeling a little bit embarrassed and worried that my crush might not like my eyes, suddenly becoming very insecure and looking away from him.

"Your eyes are beautiful", I blush looking up at him. "Hey, do you want to come with me to the Pawb to hang out, I can ask Mr Rodriguez to email your class teacher, so that you have permission to go?". He asks blushing deeply, avoiding eye contact, hand behind his neck, with a shy smile

I smile up at him, feeling plenty of chemistry between us, "sure let's go". I hop onto his palm, as we walked together smiling shyly at eachother.

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