Daycare 💕

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Third Person POV

Living in a society where humans and giants live, humans are the inferior race and many humans lost their lives and faith in humanity when giants came. We originally were segregated not only because giants hated us but also because we could avoid deaths caused by giants, who won't be responsible for their actions. Blaming humans for being so insignificant.

However, some belief in giving humans equal rights, integrating slowly humans and giants coexisting together. Whether that be neighbourhoods, workplaces, schools and even food establishments. But that isn't always a good thing.

Myah POV

I hate being here, I want to go home so badly. My mum needed to drop me off at daycare before going to work, but because my mum slept in, she didn't have enough time to take me to the human daycare. The human and giant integrated daycare was the closest.

It's so scary and loud as huge kids my age, older or younger, run around and pick up and play with toys with hands that could trap me completely with no escape. To make matters worse, I haven't seen a single human come to the daycare. I'm alone and afraid.

I ran under a table quietly playing with my stuffed animal Pierre the Bear. When I saw huge pink sparkly shoes head towards my hiding spot and before I can think of moving, I was rapidly snatched up into a hand, into darkness. The tight hold on me starting to hurt.

When I can see the light again, I'm being held by the back of my yellow jumper by two fingers, hanging in the air. I release a scream, my fear of heights coming into play, covering my face so I won't have to look down.

"Awe is the little dolly scared? Why didn't you say so" the loud voice of a girl, dropping me into her left hand, and proceeding to show me off to other kids? Hearing them all speaking loudly, covering my ears as they inspect me like a new toy. That's all I am to them. A toy they can do whatever they want to.

"Wow, it's so small". "Where did you find that thing". "It looks like the dolls I have at home". "Is it real" "I want a turn to hold it"? At this point, dozens of tears were running down my face as I was snatched up, poked at, pulled, prodded, and held up by just my jumper or my legs in the air, it hurt so much as I was passed from person to person.

"P-please s-stop, I just w-wanna go h-home" I break down in harsher tears, curling up into a ball, covering my face, wanting to draw as little attention to me as possible.

Suddenly, I was picked up again in a more gentle hold, and cradled to the person's chest. I start shaking terrified that they were gonna hurt me too.

"Please don't be scared, I won't hurt you, I promise". He, from what I can tell from his voice, whispered being surprisingly mindful of how loud his voice is to me, stroking my back gently, trying to soothe me.

I passed out clutching his shirt, burying my face into it, to hide my face from the giant children. The last thing I heard was him whisper yelling at the kids who'd handled me previously.

Devon POV

After getting off my break, I went to check on the kids as there seemed to be a bit of a commotion in the daycare room. Which is to be expected when working with kids, luckily the kids normally enjoy my presence as the youngest of my co-workers. Being only 21 years old.

I go into the room and am shocked to see a large group of kids playing and messing around with a human child. Quickly stepping in, gently grabbed the child, cradling the little girl to my chest as she was crying and shaking in fear.

"Please don't be scared, I won't hurt you, I promise", I whispered to make sure my voice wouldn't hurt her little ears. I stroked her back which seemed to calm her down a little as she began to slowly close her eyes and pass out.

Turning my attention to the kids, "I am so disappointed in all of you, for thinking it's okay to treat another child like the rest of you like this, she's a person, not a toy. I thought you'd all learned this from our session on how to treat humans and human children with respect".

They all looked down in shame apart from three of them, two of which looked like they don't believe what they did was wrong and the other wanting to ask me something.

"What's wrong Luke". He looked up at me with shame written on his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that she was a human, Bella and Cindy told me that she was a toy, I wouldn't have done it if I knew" he said tears running down his face. "You snitch, It's a toy, I mean look at it, I have 5 pet humans at home," said Cindy.

"It's okay Luke you didn't know, and as for you too I'll be talking with your parents when they come to collect you". Just before I go to walk out of the room with the child in my hands I notice a tiny teddy bear which must belong to her. Picking it up and putting it in my chest pocket as I take her to the staff room.

I sit down taking a look at the young child, she was very small, I'd say seven to eight years old. With long black hair, pale skin, and tiny microscopic freckles sprinkled on her face. Her appearance was very different from my dark skin, dark brown eyes, and short pink hair which I dyed. She was wearing a white polo shirt, with a light pink skirt, yellow jumper, white socks and pink shoes. I forget sometimes how adorable human children can be.

She slowly starts waking up and looks up at me with emerald green eyes, I smile softly down at her. "Hello, sweetheart". She looks at me nervous and shy "H-hi". I felt proud seeing such a small human child being brave enough to speak to me.

"Are you alright dear, were you hurt at all earlier in the daycare room". She looked surprised but looked down avoiding eye contact, playing with her hands "N-not really b-but my head h-hurts a little" she says starting to cry, rubbing her forehead.

"No no, sweetie, you don't need to cry. I'll get you a warm washcloth to put on your head to help then I'll call your mum to pick you up, okay?" She nods, wiping away her tears as best she could. It breaks my heart to see a child in such a state.

Myah POV

I was still really scared and my head hurts so much but the man is nice. I haven't met a giant so nice before, he returns with a small piece of a washcloth, perfect for my size. "Here you go dear," he says softly passing me the cloth to place on my head.

"Oh, here's your teddy bear, or at least I'm assuming it's yours," he says holding Pierre in front of me. I grab him hugging him tight, "T-thank you".

The man, whose name tag on his shirt is labelled Devon, called my mum to ask her to come pick me up. "What's your name hun," he asked bringing his attention back to me.

"M-myah". "That's a pretty name. Myah, I'm sorry about what happened today, but I promise that not all giants are that way." "Y-yeah, I know that n-now".

My mum came running through the door immediately hugging me "Are you okay Myah, don't worry I'm going to get you home okay angel. Thank you so much for taking care of her, I didn't know what to do when I found out she might be hurt".

"No problem Miss, once again I apologize for this incident and we'll be certain something like this won't happen again at this daycare".

"Okay honey, we're going to go now, say bye to the nice man," said my mum kindly. "Bye, Mr Devon". We walked home, remembering the moment I started to be less fearful of giants.

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