Afterschool Chat PT 1 💕

470 9 3

TW: Bullying, Child abuse

Blue POV

School. It's a hard and stressful thing in someone's life. From the endless hard work and effort for your future to living up to your parents expectations with your intelligence and behaviour to being bullied by people physically and verbally. However in my opinion, I'd say that school is the hardest to deal with for me.

You see I was born with a disease that a fair few in the population are. Miniliphilus. It's a disease that causes people to be born tiny. It's a nightmare to live with especially in school. From the dirty looks to the constant bullying and name calling to my parents being able to have more control over my life because I couldn't do anything to prevent it to always finding it hard to get work finished.

It's 9:30am I walk into the school building to find my first class of the day. The school build a safe sidewalk for those with the disease to walk to avoid any accidents or at least those who were normal would call them that.

Because we were so small including our belongings those with the disease shared one locker that you would have to get to at 9:20am. I preferred to keep my belongings with me at all times. I arrived at my first class which was English.

Just as I was entering a giant vans trainer soared over me casting me in its shadow. I couldn't help the scream that came out of me shielding myself with my arms as if that would help. When the shadow disappeared it was followed by by laughter he looked up to see a face he never enjoyed seeing. Joseph.

"Awe, whoops. Sorry didn't see you down there. You should be more careful. Wouldn't want to have to guy a new pair of trainers from your squashed body and blood staining it" he snickered walking over to his friends who found the situation as funny.

When was Joseph never an awful person to him. He slowly walked to his desk climbing the ladder and sitting atop the desk. The front seats were only for people with the disease at they wouldn't be able to pay attention from not being able to see the teacher. There wasn't exactly much concentration happening with burning glares and snickering constantly his way.

In his class he was the only boy with the disease the others were girls. The people in the class found the girls cute but didn't like him. The teacher walked into the class as the bell rang. "Good morning. Before handing out your mocks I've marked and graded I'll take attendance".

Miss Beldam called out everyone's name in alphabetical order. He unintentionally zoned out when she was calling out his name and it took the fifth call for him to realise. "" he said quietly embarrassed. He could hear Joseph's laughter as well as one of his friend's at his embarrassing moment in class.

The teacher came around handing out everyone's results making positive comments. When reaching his she placed it down the paper saying D. I.. I got a D. Shit. Dad is going to kill me. "Not bad Blue. Just try to study and practice a bit more and you should do better next time" she said nicely. He nodded looking down in disappointment.

Just as class was ending and he was about to pack his mock away one of Joseph's friends grabbed the paper making him fall over. "Omg. Joseph check this out the freak got a D". "What? No way! Let me see!" Joseph snatched the paper reading the grade only to burst out into laughter. "How fucking dumb are you? That mock was so easy! I shouldn't be surprised that you are as stupid as you look".

The words hurt Blue so much that he started tearing up trying to hide it. "Omfg! Are you crying?!" He says laughing loudly. Blue grabs his stuff running away. "Yeah. Run you little fucking crybaby!".

Blue runs to the bathroom locking himself into a stall sobbing. He did know how much more bullying he could take and he knew his dad was going to kill him the moment he knew how he did. He just stayed there and cried until lunch, skipping multiple classes.

He went to the cantine for lunch sitting by himself eating his packed lunch. Which was essentially just a grape. He was suddenly picked up by the back of his hoodie and brought up to Joseph's face. "Finally decided to show up stuffing your face. Look at yourself. You are going to get fat in no time eating like that". He says laughing.

"Let's actually see what that little stomach of yours looks like" he says dropping into his palm trying to remove my shirt. I use all of my strength to make sure he doesn't lift it up. He can't lift it up! He'll see the scars. The scars that his dad has given him. "N-no. P-please don't" he begged. His whole shirt was then suddenly lifted up and he was left shirtless and shaking in the centre of his bullies hand. As his scarred and bruised stomach and back was exposed.

He heard Joseph and his friends go completely silent. Feeling their eyes all on his body. He broke down crying and curled. And experiencing something he never has. "Holy shit. Oh fuck! I'm so fucking sorry omg!" He heard him apologise. Wait. Did Joseph actually just apologize to him?

"Holy shit man! You're covered in fucking cuts and bruises and my god you are skinny. Oh fuck did I do any of that? But I can't remember ever physically hurting you. Do you want me to take you to the nurse?"

"N-no. Please. Please just put me down. L-leave me alone". He said balling his eyes out. Slowly and gently Joseph placed him down and handed him his things before he bolted off. The last thing he heard from his bully was him sounding genuinely panicked talking to his friends".

He decided he was just going to walk home at that moment. He told the lady in reception his dad asked him to walk home and luckily she let him. The house was a while away but far enough that by the time he got home would've been the time he could've arrived by bus.

He walks in through the door a little dog door that he could walk right through. He walked into the living room seeing his mother passed out drunk on the sofa again as usual and could hear his father in the kitchen. He fearfully walked into the kitchen greeting his father. "Hi father" he said quietly but he managed to hear.

He looked down at his son with a dirty look. "What do you want Blue I've got better things to do unless it's regarding how you did on your English mock. His father watch his son look up at him at the mention of the subject and he perked up.

"What did you get?" he asked. Gulping he looked up at his father afraid for his reaction. "A... a D" he said. His father seeming to have anger fill him. "You got a fucking D! What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" He said tightly grabbing his son.

He was closing his fist very hard causing him to thrash and scream. "Please! Stop! Father that hurts!". He was then dropped on the table and flicked in the face. "Shut the fuck up! You are no son of mine! You are a disappointment is what you are!". From the flick to the head he was feeling dizzy and shortly passed out.

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