First Date 💕

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TW: Karen

Yasmine POV

Today was a big day for me. It was the day I was finally going to go on my first date with and meet my girlfriend. Sasha. We met online through tik tok. I followed her because I enjoyed her makeup art content. Absolutely obsessed with how beautiful her work was and how talented she was as a person. Me following her was when I realised she already followed me. I made videos doing my makeup or skincare routine whilst giving advice is women and anyone who watched my content. Making a platform where anyone can be themselves. We had become friends on tik tok and she was the one to reach out.

Sasha'sArt - Hi 😀
Yasmine - Hi.
Sasha'sArt - We're both friends on tik tok omg!!! I've been a fan of yours for a year!!!
Yasmine - Wait Seriously?
Sasha'sArt - Yeah! Your content has helped me so much!
Yasmine - Omg that's so sweet 🥺
Yasmine - Thank you so much
Sasha'sArt - Of course! ☺️

For a long time we chatted. At first it was just about our interests and the content we make but the more we spoke the more comfortable we become with eachother. We started to open up more about our personal life and shared our other social medias with eachother so we can chat outside of tik tok. We eventually gave eachother our numbers and spoke about our family, secrets, etc. Those conversations started a friendship. That friendship them began blossoming into feelings of love.

But honestly who wouldn't fall in love with Sasha. She had dark skin, brown eyes, black afro textured hair which she loves to put into a high bun or space buns. She is so beautiful. Always expressing herself in colourful and unique clothing and beautifully crafted and designed makeup looks. One of my favourite makeup themes has to be the heartstopper themed eyes. She put yellow eyeshadow, light blue eyeliner, drew the leaves and used coral mascara. It was so pretty.

I kept my crush a secret for a while not wanting to confess and to lose the friendship we created just because she didn't feel the same way or though it was weird that I liked her. But I dropped occasionally subtle hints to see if she would catch on. Then out nowhere she called me on WhatsApp and did something I never thought she would.

"Hey Jasmine". She greeted through my screen but didn't seem all that thrilled. She seemed a little uncomfortable and nervous. "Hi Sasha. Is everything okay?" I asked really concerned about my secret crush. She took a breath before talking. "So... there's been something I've been really wanting to tell you... and I just thought that you deserved to know now and it's completely fine if you don't want to talk to me ever again". I was even more worried now. "Sasha. What do you mean? What's going on?" I ask wanting nothing more than to know what's troubling Sasha.

"Okay. I'm just going to come out and I say it. I have ... feelings... for you. I'm... I'm in love with you. And I understand completely you don't feel the same way and if you find it weird that I've fallen for you despite us only supposing to be friends." I was shocked. Sasha was in love with me? I never would of thought that she would feel that way about me. But I can't say that I'm not happy that she does.

"Sasha. Listen to me when I say this. I'm also in love with you. I've been in love with you for 2 months. I was just scared to tell you how I really felt. I didn't want to ruin the friendship we created". I said blush covering my cheeks as I just told her how I really feel about her. "Wait! Do you actually!? Like you aren't just saying this because you feel bad about rejecting me?". "Sasha if I could've told you how much I love you sooner, I would've. I honestly can't stop thinking about you. You have no idea how much I want to hug and kiss you, to hold your hand, to physically comfort you when you are going through a hard time. I love you so so much".

"Yasmine? Would you... would you like to be my girlfriend?". I wasn't used to this shy and nervous side of Sasha. I thought she was the most confident and bubbly person I've ever known. Can't say I don't love it. "Yes. I would love to be your girlfriend". We both say goodbye and leave the call with blushy cheeks and smiles on our faces.

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