Tinies PT 1 💕

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TW: Death, mention of discrimination, mention of miscarriage

This oneshot is about Oden, a minor character from First Date, PT 2 will be about the other minor tiny character, Isabel

There are many places in the world that are now becoming safe for tinies but that wasn't the case before and certainly still isn't the case in some countries. This has lead to tinies fleeing the country to find a home where they know they will be safe.
It took some countries longer than others to realise they deserve care and respect like everyone else.

Canada was the first country to do this. They put laws forward to protect them. A lot of European countries followed in Canada's footsteps like France, Spain, Norway and Finland as well as Oceana with Australia and New Zealand and some Asian countries like south Korea, Thailand, China and India. Many countries disagreed with seeing the tinies as people. Especially the USA.

Doesn't matter what your status is or how young or old you are. If you are a tiny your life is granted as insignificant. The reason for this being that they were small and were powerless against humans, could not help humans because they were weak and they had no reason for existing other than being people who have evolved from humans but at a small size scale. Some countries started accepting them for selfish reasons. So if there was any problems with food or money they would have to give themselves up for the sake of humans and they would be sacrificed if they went to war.

Oden POV

It was the 17th January 2021. Germany was a very unsafe country for tinies to live. They were seen as pests, insects to kill and be rid of. If you wanted to you could just stomp on one of us and no one would care or do anything about it. You could eat us, spray us with bug spray. Anything. No one would be arrested or penatalised for taking our lives. I learned that the hard way.

When I was 10 a 7 year old boy sprayed my parents with fly spray. They cried and begged for him to stop but he just grinned from ear to ear and laughed more and more as he slowly killed them. I watched from the mousehole in the kitchen as my parents slowly lost the ability to breathe, their skin turning purple from the lack of oxygen. It was like how a cat would play with a mouse they've caught. Violently playful until there is no longer any movement. I wanted to run out and hug them. I wanted to tell that boy to stop. That he was viciously killing my parents. But I couldn't.

Just as my parents stopped moving the kid grew uninterested, leaving their lifeless bodies to lie still on the countertop. As I silently cried the boy's parents came into the kitchen, disgusted at the sight of my mum and dad's unmoving forms. The father put on a rubber glove before grabbing my parents and throwing them away in a black garbage bag. The look of relief on the married couple's faces made me sick to my stomach, getting rid of their pest problem.

I don't care that he was just a kid. I don't care that he was younger than me and probably didn't know better. He still killed my parents. Left me all alone. I wish I was the one that died. Then at least my parents could have depended on eachother and well... it was my fault in the first place. I had gotten curious. Curiousity is never a good things for a tiny or a human. He was playing with an airplane and it looked fun. I had walked towards the edge of the counter thinking maybe he was a nice kid and would like to be my friend. How wrong I was.

My parents grabbed me by the arm and ran with me to a hole in the wall. But they realised they left on the counter a bag with food they had gotten. We lived in the walls of a human home as we were too poor to get ourselves a home, not that there were many left. They left me in the hole and ran out to get the bag back when the kid had seen them. They tried to run away but he grabbed the fly spray and started spraying them. He originally did it with a face full of disgust but started to find the torture and murdering of my parents amusing as they flailed around and slowly stopped their movement.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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