Dungeon Hell

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A pack of Snow Wolves roams around the forest searching for food. One wolf roams around the rock, sniffing it.

Suddenly, a wooden spear ambushes from the snow and pierces the wolf.

"AWOO!!!" The wolf cries out.

The other wolves heard the cry and runs toward the injured kin.


But the snowy ground below some wolves collapses when they step on it, throwing them into a deep pit.


Beneath the pit are some sharp wood anchored to the ground and the wolves perished in the trap.

The remaining three wolves jolt and look around warily. Hesitating to save their comrade, they start leaving instead.

I come out of hiding under a heap of snow. In my hand is a spear that killed the first wolf.

+100 exp

Level up!


+1 free stat

Albeit inefficient, traps are the safest for early-game levelling.

Name: Samuel Turner
Title: None
Class: Trainee Knight
Lvl: 6

Mana: 0

Atk: 5[+]
Def: 9[+]
Dex: 2[+]
Mag: 0
Luck: 2[+]

Free stats: 5

I put all my stats into luck.

You feel slightly lucky!

+5% chance of dodging an attack
+1% chance of finding a treasure
+1% chance of double exp

For stats like attack(atk) and defence (def), it can increase through training. But "Luck" is fixed and can only increase through free stats.

I cut and peel the fur off the wolves. Afterwards, I bring only one carcass back with me to the cave.

I start a fire to cook the wolf meat.
Next, I stab a wooden stick through the meat and hang it above the fire.

Skill "Cooking" obtained!

For water, I had no choice but to climb the mountain until I find a frozen stream and directly drink the cold water beneath a layer of ice because I do not have a pot. Luckily, I haven't caught any gastric infection.

"When will the protagonist come..." I mumble.

There's one reason why I'm waiting here despite knowing the location. I'm currently in the Mountain of Iskaris, the location where the first campaign mission took place.
This mountain is named after the dragon Iskaris, a blue frost ferocious creature that roams the hills.

If I get spotted by the dragon, I can kiss my life goodbye.

"hoooooooooooooo" a deep cry echoes through the sky.

"Tch, speaking of the devil," I mumble.
It's the dragon.

I quickly put out the fire and hid behind a rock.


Wait...why is it getting louder-


The dragon crashes into the snow, ejecting a tsunami of mother nature. My body was swept along with the momentum and forcefully entered deeper into the cave.

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