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The lighting strike sliced the giant into two. Every bit of the giant was decimated by the intense strike.

I crawl out of the cloud of dust slowly. Thinking it is finally over, I lie on the sand staring into the sky.

*Pit pat pit pat*

Droplets of rain descend from the lingering clouds, washing away the remnants of the battle.


"Huff huff huff..."



Amidst the many droplets, I can suddenly hear footsteps from afar...and detect demonic mana.

I look to my right to find a man wearing a black robe. He pulls down the hood to reveal himself as the same youth with the hero's face, the mastermind that forced us into this dungeon.


The young hero smiles at me and walks to the fortress. He is going for the vase.

My eyes weren't playing a trick. There is another enemy, that bastard!

I can't feel anything. How do I...



Level: 100


His level...dropped?


Things were never fair from the start. No matter how much a player struggles and prepare. The odds are always against the player because of the "Butterfly Effect".


Even in reality, this remains true.

As if to taunt me, the man looks at one of our dead allies and stomps on his head.


I clench my fist.

"Fuck no..."

I won't fucking die after everything I've done. I pushed and pushed just for survival. I won't fucking die just because of one scheming fucker.

I don't care if I become a cripple, I will at least take that robe bastard down with me.

You are attempting to use a skill you have not learnt. The drawbacks will be tremendous.

I pull myself up again. Bloody and tired, my body refuses to give in.

Pulling back my sword, my body fades into a transparent white and materializes beside the robed mage.

The robed man widens his eyes when we lock contact.


With one slash across his neck, I decapitated him and rolls to the ground, throwing my sword a distance from me.

I'm not sure what drawbacks occurred to my body but I fell unconscious before I felt it.

You have obtained a technique from using it:

[Rena's Origin Skill]
Phantom Phase

A special footwork created by Rena at her prime in the future. It allows the user to use space-time traversal to teleport a short distance through any obstacles.

Cooldown: 1 second

Condition to use the technique:
->1000 Mag
->2000 Def
->5000 Dex

The Survival of an InferiorWhere stories live. Discover now