At What Cost?(2)

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A woman in white robes bites her nails anxiously in a small concrete room. Contrasting her worrying expression, her short wavey silver hair and veil on her face lend an air of enigmatic nobility. She paces around the room glancing left and right. She is Joana, the High Priestess of The Church of Axis and the Apostle of their god. She works directly under The Order of The Demonic Cult.

A week ago, a member of The Order personally visited Joana with a young boy that looked like the deceased hero. The member informed Joana of Samuel's impending appearance in Clamore and provided a way to assassinate him. The member guaranteed Joana the success and promises to help Joana handle the drawbacks.

However, no news of the member arrives.

Joana begins to doubt her master's words.

"Guaranteed success? Hahaha...what fucking bullshit...Not only did that bastard survive, the truth of everything is exposed and everyone is pinning the blame on me. Fuck fuck." she snaps off the nails on her index finger.

"Are all of you throwing me away after all I've done? Why? What did I do wrong?" Joana mumbles.

*Knock knock*

"Holy Apostle, your subject is here to inform you of visitors." a woman outside the room says.

Joana immediately puts on her facade and opens the door. "Thank you, fellow theist. I will accompany our visitors."

The woman, wearing a white robe, bows to Joana and leaves.

Joana approaches the guest room, in the middle, two couches surround a small wooden table. A man in black robes shrouded in black mist sits on the couch, the darkness covers his face.

"Greetings sir, is there anything the master..." Joan says.


"Ahem. Pardon my behaviour. I was...lamenting."

The robed man reaches into his coat and puts a bag of gold on the table. "The Lord has given you two options. Run or die."


Joana's expression grows pale. Her smile gradually fades. "P-Pardon?"


"Why?" she says. "I did exactly as instructed. Why is the failure on me?"


"I am simply following orders. Soon, the truth of everything will come to light. If you utter a single word, the magic cast on you will activate." the robed man says.

"Magic? What magic?!" Joana walks up to the robed man.

"The Lord sends his regards." The man gets up.

"No! Please! I did everything right! You've seen it, I am very useful. Please, I will do anything." Joana gets on her knees.


"Blame your greed." The man says.

Despite Joana's persistent begging as she grabs onto the man, the man ruthlessly kicks her aside and leaves the room.

Joana is left crying in the corner, eyes devoid of any hope.

"No...everything that I've built up..."


The news of my survival propagated in a blink of an eye, galloping through cities and villages from the lowest peasant to the noblest aristocrat. My name, almost forgotten by everyone, once again strikes the headline and soars my fame fuelled by the publication of Leo's descriptive interview of what happened in the dungeon.

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