One Foot Into My Grave

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Note: Soldiers who fought on horseback are called Cavalries. I don't know what I was on to write Chivalries which is a code of conduct. I've edited the previous chapters, sorry for the confusion.

Everyone looks at me.

"Strongest?" Melissa mumbles.

Stats-wise, Melissa is the strongest among us. But the system must have calculated other factors such as...knowledge.

Fucking hell.

"I thought I was dreaming. Before we entered the dungeon, you displayed immense strength. Why did you hide your abilities?" Audrey asks.

I shake my head. "That strength was temporary. I'm still weaker than Captain Melissa." I reply.


"Arsto. Stay back." Melissa says.

I obediently nod. "Change of plans, I will stay back and shoot. Audrey, target the vanguards with your gauntlet."

I turn to our mage. "As for our mage, throw your spells as far as possible, targeting the catapults. Excluding me, the catapult cannot damage but can stun us and surrounding towers. Melissa, save your mana and energy, both of us will go for the commander when the time is ripe."

"I just told you to stay back!" Melissa exclaims.

"I will. But someone has to take care of the commander. I need to do it. That's why...I need your help to support me and open a path."  I say eye-to-eye with Melissa.


She clicks her tongue and looks away.

"As for the rest, just do what you always do."

Everyone nods. I hand each person a few Browan pills while taking one myself.

Audrey and Leo position themselves at the frontline. The four other close-combat officers stand in front of the barriers.

I follow Melissa and climb up a turret. indeed we can see everything from here. The army is divided into four sections, each with a standard formation. Vanguards at the front guarding the knights and spearmen, cavalries and catapults at the back, mages in between buffing the army.


"NOW!" I shout.

Audrey and Leo charge forward with their weapons.


Audrey punches a hole through the formation, sending the small vanguards flying. Leo rushes in and twirls his body with a whirling aura that engulfs his sword.


Blood and chopped limbs fling to the sky, forming a tornado as Leo continuously spins his body and shreds through the goblins with his sword.

In the sky, arrows and rocks contest. The rocks are no match for the mana arrows, shattering upon contact.

However, many rocks sent by the catapults got through. I look up to see rocks raining.


I jump off before a rock hits the turret.


The black figure archer on the turret hunches forward and grasps its head for a few seconds, stunned, before continuing shooting.

I gaze at the mage. Many flaming red magic circles have formed above her. She chants a language I don't understand, mana swirls rapidly around her.

"How long until she is done?" I ask Melissa, protecting the mage from the rocks.


I throw up my hand, blasting three rock fragments about to hit the mage.

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