Struggle And Struggle

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Both the commander and I were pushed back from the clash.

With gritted teeth, I glance at my hands. They are trembling.

Fuck, what the hell was that?

Between us, there is a huge crater. That was our point of contact. I am farther away than the goblin commander. This bastard is stronger than me.

The other goblins pay no attention to our fight and avoid us. The commander walks slowly toward me.

"Who are you? How can there still be humans here?" the commander asks.



He raises his sword. "Answer me, and I might give you a painless death." Intense bloodthirst pours out from the goblin.

A slight grin widens on my face. "Can you not see the others?"



He can't see those with the "Tower" status.

"Then, do you even know what is attacking your army now?" I ask.

He throws his sword down, splitting the sand beyond into two. I sidestep to dodge his attack.

"How would I know?" the commander replies.


I don't need to use the Eyes of Analysis to know his strength. He is stronger than me in all aspects.

Swinging that giant sword with ease, I might be able to match his dexterity, but that's all.


The air is heavy with anxiety and tension. Moonlight graces the battlefield of death.

I leap forward and launch a thrust, but the commander easily parries it, only to be met with the barrel of my gun.


My bullet scrapes the gorget and bounces off.

In the blink of an eye, I catch sight of a thin, sharp edge of a large blade in the corner of my eye, and I instinctively flip my torso backwards.


A simple slash of the sword cuts through the air and wind, creating exploding crescent waves of sand behind me.

With the force of a kangaroo, my legs propel me to deliver two kicks at the commander, sending both of us flying apart. I end up rolling across the sand and getting some in my mouth.

H-Holy shit, I almost died.

The commander's gorget bears a slight scratch, seemingly unfazed from a distance. But there is hope.

Feeble, tired, and trembling, all odds are stacked against me. The goblin commander knows that.

Explosive mana swirls around my body, concentrated specifically at my legs. I lunge forward, mustering every ounce of strength, and unleash another flurry of strikes.

My bullets zoom towards the commander. He blocks them. At the moment of his block, I throw a slash with my sword, narrowly missing as he rotates his body to evade it.

I continue to alternate between my gun and sword, targeting the same spot in his armour, the gorget. Sparks and mana discharge and splash around us in our battle.

The commander's nimble and agile movements contradict his physique. He swings his sword down, and I crouch to dodge it, immediately following up with a slash to the gorget, creating a small dent.

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