Sewer Experiment(2)

212 11 1


Every step leaves death.

Three men jump in from every direction, blasting a purple explosion.

"Hah..." I sigh from boredom within the smoke.


One slash decapitates every one of the attackers.

Those guys tried using demonic mana to kill me, another demonic human. Foolish but I can't blame them. They can't detect my demonic status, I can hide it to some extent now.

Although the cultists are getting stronger the deeper I venture, they are still too weak.

->Kill Radis(0/1)

Sub Objectives:
->Kill the "monster"(0/1)
->Kill 200 cultists (172/200)
->Find documents about the experiments. (0/1)


A sudden chill tickles my skin.

At a junction with four pathways, I look around to search for the source. Nothing except blood and corpses.


The sound of a stomach rumbling echoes.


I jump away before a mysterious creature crashes down.


"Haah...Haa...hehe..." says a fluctuating voice of exceptionally high tune.

I smile. "Good, I was waiting for you."

Radis was researching monster abilities and attempting to fuse species with species in hopes of absorbing monster attributes. This entity is his best work.

It lacks intelligence and cannot use magic but can grow stronger by eating its prey.

Many players in the community call it the "cheat monster".

Unknown(Alias: Cheat Monster)

Strength: Infinite Growth
Weakness: Intelligence
Tribe: Chimera
Status: Hungry, excited


Hp: 300000/300000
Mana: 81000/81000

Atk: 921
Def: 719
Dex: 1290
Mag: 0
Luck: 0

Wait, that dexterity-


-5000 hp

I couldn't even dodge and had to throw my guard up as the monster swiftly punched me back into a wall.

Fucking much did this cheat monster kill? The first encounter should be easy!

"Eagle Eyes" activated.
"Weakness finder" activated.

It jumps at me, throwing a random flurry of attacks. I dodge every predictable attack.

This thing is full of openings and weaknesses, relying purely on brute strength.

I duck to avoid its sweeping arms and throw a slash with the intent to end it. However, its reaction is faster than expected as my blade only slashes a deep wound through the armpits.

"ARGHHHH!!!!!!" A high-pitched scream erupts from the creature.

The foreign pain invades the once invincible entity. Confused by the pain, it attempts to escape.

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