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My skin feels like it's on fire.

My clothes are too tight and I can't breathe.

The pulsating music of the club thrums in my head and I'm surrounded by the stench of sweat and alpha pheromones.

This was supposed to be a night to unwind and let off some steam.

Just two best friends out to shake up the dance floor and maybe get lucky.

Unfortunately, nothing feels right to me.

Not that that's anything new.

I've been in a funk these past few days that I just can't seem to shake.

I'd hoped that heading out to the club with Jai would give me a chance to breathe a little.

Forget my responsibilities to Omega House and my new role as an uncle to my twin brother's kids.

It's not working.

The hungry eyes of all the alphas staring at me is making me a little queasy.

More than one of them has made a pass at me tonight and I'm just not feeling it.

I catch Jai's eye and wave him over to where I'm lingering near the door.

He's been dancing with a omega with a mischievous grin for the past hour.

The two of them really seem to be hitting it off so I don't feel too bad about ditching him early.

"Hey, why're you being such a party pooper?" Jai approaches with his new friend in tow.

"Dante and I were just going to get something to drink."

"Let me buy you something too."

"It might cheer you up."

"I'm going to have to pass." I force myself to chuckle as I hold up my hands in protest.

"I'm just not really into the club scene tonight, I think I'll just head home and get some sleep."

Jai is visibly disappointed by my statement.

Okay, there's a little bit of guilt there but I hold my ground.

"Don't let me get in the way of your fun."

"You guys should definitely get some drinks and keep dancing."

"You've earned it after all your hard work this week." I nudge Jai back toward his new friend.

He spent the past week helping with repairs on the fence around the Omega House backyard.

It had gotten pretty battered up over the years and was less than secure, Now it's as good as new.

Jai deserves the chance to let loose and unwind.

"You're not planning to walk back alone, are you?" Jai looks at me with concern in his eyes.

"It's nearly midnight."

"I'll be fine, I've got my taser and the pepper spray."

"No one is getting within ten feet of me." I grin at him and give him another nudge.

Dante looks like he's starting to get bored with our conversation and seems eager to get back to the dance floor.

I step close to Jai and whisper so only he can hear. "You've scored a really hot date."

"It would be a shame to let this opportunity go to waste, Go on."

Jai frowns and looks from me to Dante and back again.

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