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When my cellphone starts to ring, I'm hesitant to pick it up.

I didn't get much sleep again
last night.

It was bad enough the all the power was off and the fire was out but not having Jungkook in bed beside me made everything so much worse.

I very seriously contemplate just letting the call go to voicemail so I can continue to lounge in bed like the loser alpha I really am.

But I don't.

I'm not really sure why I finally reach over and answer it but it just feels urgent, like I would probably regret it if I didn't.

When I see Jungkook's name
on the caller ID, I realize that
I'm an idiot and should've
picked up on the first ring.

I immediately sit up and answer.

"Hey babe, how are you?"

I try to hide the sound of sleep that's still clinging to my voice.

"Hey I'm still at Tae's obviously but there's something I need to tell you."

"I don't really want to do it over the phone but it's important."

"I just wanted to tell you I'm coming home."

He sounds like there's more that he wants to say but isn't quite sure what words to use.

"Yeah, okay."

"Do you need me to do anything? I'm sure you're going to want some fresh clothes before you head back to Tae's..."

I glance around the room.

I know there's a duffel bag around here somewhere.

"No actually, I'm coming home
to stay."

His tone sounds final and his words make my heart skip a beat.


"Like I said, I've got something important to talk to you about."

"I just...I'll see you soon."

Before I can say anything else, he disconnects the call.

Despite that abrupt end, I feel like the clouds have parted and the sun is shining down on me.

Jungkook's coming back and he says he won't be leaving again.

I don't know what could have possibly happened to change
his mind but I'm not about to question his decision.

The only thing I can do now is
try to make him feel as comfortable as possible.

I quickly head downstairs to
the basement and test the electricity again.

As soon as the breaker flips on, the lights start to flicker with the same annoying regularity that they had the night before.

I glare but there's not much I can do about it at this point.

Without steady power, I can't
get any work done.

If I can't get my work done, I'll have a hard time fulfilling my promises to all those clients I just signed.

I need to figure something out so I can work But right now, I've got other things to deal with.

I go through my work area
and turn all the monitors
toward the wall.

There's no power in the entire house but on the off chance something screwy happens, I don't want Jungkook to get freaked out again.

Once that task is completed, I turn to the fireplace.

   MY ALPHA'S TOUCH || JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now