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I'm usually notthe kind of guy
to sit around and wait for
things to happen.

Once I've got a direction in mind, I'm usually pretty proactive about getting what I want.

Which is why this whole
situation with Jimin has me second guessing myself.

It feels more than a little
strange to say that I want him.

I've only known him for a
day and our first and only conversation wasn't really
all that deep.

I know almost nothing about
him and yet as soon as I left him, I felt like someone had ripped my heart out of my chest.

Ever since then, I've been anxiously checking my phone for any texts that might have come through when I wasn't looking.

But there's never anything there.

I did get a couple text messages but they were from Taehyung.

He's been sending me pictures of his babies almost non-stop for the past couple of weeks.

The constant stream of baby pictures has been both a
blessing and a curse that I
can't quite escape from.

On the one hand, I love seeing my new niece and nephew.

I love knowing that my brother
is happy and his family is
healthy and content.

On the other, it serves as a reminder that he's moved forward with his life and left me behind.

As I get ready for bed, I
Consider sending a text to Jimin.

After watching his late-night move in, I figure it's safe to assume he's a night owl.

A casual text exchange right before I hop into bed for the night might be a good way to break the ice.

After all, given his social anxiety and the high sexual tension between us when we finally parted, he may be having a hard time coming up with something to say.

I sit on the edge of my bed with my phone in my hands and try typing out several different texts.

They range from a simple "hey" to the slightly more intimate.

"I've been thinking about you."

Nothing I write sounds good though.

I'm not the type to overthink something as simple as a text but Jimin's gotten in my head and turned everything upside down.

I lay back on my bed and attempt a few more messages but I delete them all before hitting send.

This isn't like me at all.

I've got butterflies in my stomach.

It's almost like my first crush
all over again but this time, it's so intense that it hurts me to think about it too much.

I must've fallen asleep at
some point because the next thing I know, I'm waking up to an alarm on my phone.

So much for my brilliant
texting plan.

This relationship or whatever
it is, will go nowhere fast if I can't figure something out.

Would it be too forward of me
to just drop by his house later?

As that thought is running through my head, I notice
that I've got few new messages
on my phone.

I must've slept right through
the alert.

   MY ALPHA'S TOUCH || JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now