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The house is so quiet when Jungkook is gone. I hate it.

I've gotten so used to having
him around that it's hard to function without him.

It's only been a week since I asked him to move in but it's been over a month since we
first slept together.

Somehow, it feels so much longer than that.

I feel like I've known him my whole life.

When he's away from me, I find myself counting the hours until I see him again.

I'm like a puppy forced to wait at home while their beloved owner is away at work.

The feeling has gotten easier to deal with the longer we've been together.

It's like something inside me is growing more content with our life and less concerned that he will come to his senses and walk out on me.

I couldn't live without him.

I don't know what I'd do if something ever forced us apart.

I muddle my way through my daily routine.

I've picked up a few new clients over the last few weeks and if everything goes according to plan, I'll have enough money for a down payment on a ring.

I found one I think Jungkook will love, especially since I went behind his back and got Tae's help in picking it out.

I've never really done anything like that before.

Sneaking around and forming clandestine plots to surprise someone.

I never understood the reasoning behind it before.

Now I do.

I can't wait to see the look on Jungkook's face when I ask him to marry me.

I'm sure it'll be a moment I remember for the rest of my life.

I'm just about to go get some thing to drink from the kitchen when there's a knock at the front door.

That sound still makes my heart jump and I always flinch like an idiot.

I want to hang a sign on the front door telling everyone to go away but Jungkook won't let me.

He says he doesn't want the neighbors to think we're a couple of crazies.

Personally, I'm completely okay with people thinking I'm crazy, especially if that means they
stay the hell away from me.

But I've deferred to Jungkook's better judgment.

After all, he's the one who has to chat with the neighbors while getting the mail or bringing in the paper.

I can just lurk behind the curtains and hide in the shadows from everyone who isn't my beloved.

Unfortunately, Jungkook isn't here to save me from this wretched situation, so I have to answer the door myself.

I've never regretted anything more.

"Hey there, sweetheart, are you going to let your darling mother freeze to death on your porch or what?" She hasn't changed a bit.

Everything from her too-orange tan and the bouffant ponytail, to the makeup that's far too heavy and her favorite fuschia track suit are all exactly as they were on the day I left home with no intention of ever looking back.

She gives me a shove so she can step into the house, MY house where I've made my home with my omega.

A flare of vengeance and anger hits me as I clutch the door and refuse to move aside so she can enter.

   MY ALPHA'S TOUCH || JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now