Chapter 76

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 The phrase "Rain hits the head of Huangmei, and there will be no sun for forty-five days" describes the scene of the rainy season in the south.

In the rainy season, the rain is falling and the roads are muddy. The pattering rain seemed to be endless, and the air had a unique sultry smell of rotten wood.

Zhang Huang looked at the rain outside the door with a bitter face, and sighed, now he didn't have the heart to make a sewing basket, and simply threw these things aside. Get up and go into the kitchen.

"Mother, why are you up? You are not in good health yet. You need to take care of yourself. What should you do if you get sick again?" As soon as Zhang Huang entered the kitchen, he saw an elderly woman by the kitchen stove. What to do, this person is her mother-in-law Yu Shi, she said hurriedly, while stepping forward to snatch the ladle from Yu Shi's hand, she started to do it herself.

"Hey, I'm an old bone. The more I lie down, the more uncomfortable I become. While I can still move, I want to get up and make some ginger soup and send it over there." Yu said, thumping his back.

It seems that they wanted to go together, Zhang Huang moved skillfully, and added half a pot of water to the pot, "Just call me for this kind of thing, you don't have to do it yourself."

Yu let go She went to do it and didn't leave, so she muttered to the side, "Oh! It's hard to live a good life. Why can't this one rain after another make people feel safe? God? Open your eyes, don't There will be another disaster!"

"Don't worry, God will take care of us." Zhang Huang said.

"Bah! God's favor, it's not because of Mr. Li. Since Mr. Li took office, Juping County has never seen floods. You are new. I don't know. In the past, there were big and small troubles in Juping County every year. The floods were not peaceful every year, but now they are all over, Mr. Li presided over the repair of the embankment, and now there are no floods, but this year, the rain has not stopped for more than half a month." Mrs. Yu Having said that, he sighed heavily.

Zhang Huangshi has heard her mother-in-law talk about it countless times, but she just smiled and said nothing.

She is from another county. She just married to Juping County at the beginning of this year. I only heard that the officials in Juping County are good. Marrying a person from Juping County is a blessing. Zhang Dafa, who is in charge of her family, works in the county government, eats public food, has a salary, and has good living conditions. , often not going home for ten days and a half months. But she can also understand that when people around her talk about her being the head of the family, anyone who doesn't envy them will give a thumbs up and praise her. Every time at this time, she will be overjoyed, she is really married to the right person.

Now her head of the family is under the leadership of Mr. Li to prevent floods on the river embankment, um, that's what Dafa told her.

Hearing her mother-in-law's chanting in her ears, accompanied by the sound of rain ticking outside Wuzi, she couldn't help but feel worried, and hoped that there would be no flood.

Why! She has to make ginger soup quickly and send it to her husband, so that they can all drink two bowls to get rid of the cold. They were busy working on the embankment outside in the rain, so don't catch the wind and cold.

After working for half an hour, the ginger soup was finally ready. Zhang Huang put it in a wooden barrel neatly. After thinking for a while, he took out two white flour cakes from the cupboard and put them in his arms. Li said: "Mom, I'll give Dafa two cakes by the way, he will eat when he's hungry."

"Okay, okay, let's go, be careful on the road." Yu nodded, "It's only in the past two years that there are white flour cakes." Eat, where could I see white noodles three years ago, it is already a good family to have wild vegetable and coarse grain cakes, alas, not to mention the taste, just one bite can cut your throat..."

Zhang Huang knew that her mother-in-law was talking He didn't finish getting up, didn't talk to him, put on the coir raincoat and bamboo hat, picked up the barrel and rushed into the rain. Mother-in-law Yu's voice came from far behind: Be careful and come back earlier.

Zhang Huangshi pursed her lips. Apart from nagging, this mother-in-law is fine, and he treats her well with a big hair, she has fallen into the nest of fortune.

On the road, I also met women like her in twos and threes, who brought ginger soup or food. Zhang Huang quickly walked a few steps and walked with them. Everyone was talking, so they didn't feel that the distance was far away. .

The dark sky seemed to be pressed down from the top of the head, and there were crowds of people on the embankment, and everyone braved the rain and was busy back and forth.

Zhang Huang asked someone, and finally found Zhang Dafa who was covered in mud under the guidance of others. She felt a little distressed and hurried over.

When Zhang Dafa saw Zhang Huangshi, he put down the sandbag on his shoulder, and smiled, "Why are you here? It's raining so much, you can't stay at home."

"What did Brother Zhang say, sister-in-law is concerned about you." The people around followed suit.

Zhang Huang lowered his head blushing, and Zhang Dafa waved to the people around him, "Go, go, what are you making fun of?" After speaking, he pulled Zhang Huang to shelter from the rain under a tree.

"Is mother okay at home? Her illness is better. I'm too busy these days, so I don't have time to go back and have a look." Zhang Dafa took a bite of Zhang Huang's warm bread and asked .

Looking at her husband's bloodshot eyes, Zhang Huang couldn't help but feel distressed, nodded and said: "Mother's illness is already cured, today, mother asked me to bring some ginger soup, you drink some, and share some Give it to your brothers." After hearing this

, Zhang Dafa felt relieved, nodded, scooped a bowl out of a large bowl, drank it all in one gulp, and then called a brother to bring the wooden bucket to share.

Zhang Dafa finished eating the dough in twos and then stood up, "I'm going to go to work first, you should be careful on the way back."

Although Zhang Huang still wanted to spend more time with him, she knew the current situation and just Neng nodded and watched her husband step into the rain without looking back.

She stood up, packed her things and prepared to leave. Suddenly, someone from far away shouted: "Your Excellency is back."

She looked up, and saw a group of people approaching from a distance, and when she got closer, she saw a young man in the crowd , although he was wearing an official robe, there was no clean spot all over his body. He was soaked and covered with mud everywhere. Everyone is the same.

Zhang Huang knows that this is Mr. Li, and every time she comes here, she can see Mr. Li busy. She knows that this is a good official, a good official who really cares about the people, just like her mother said, It is precisely because of Mr. Li in Juping County that they will have a good life. Moreover, according to the five-year and ten-year plan mentioned by her husband, the future will only get better and better.

Now many people in Juping County have set up a shrine to Mr. Li, wishing Mr. Li good health and a long life.

Her mother also wanted to set up one, but her husband stopped her, saying that Mr. Li said that he has nothing to do with ordinary people, but as public officials, they are not allowed to do this, otherwise their salaries will be deducted. Only then did her mother give up in dismay.

Li Yu just took a trip upstream with the river worker, mainly to inspect the dam and detect the water level to see if there is a safety hazard in the dam and whether the water level is still on the safe line.

He had the cheek to ask King Su to come to these river workers. At the beginning, he heard that they came to this remote area, but they were not willing. As a result, when they arrived at the place, they offered delicious food and drink. The command is much stronger. Within a few days, they got used to the life here, and later even took over their wives, children, and children, ready to take root here.

Over the years, Mr. Li, the magistrate of Juping County, has really respected them. They are lowly in the eyes of others. They have never thought of being treated like this. In the past few years, they have tried their best What I have learned, under the leadership of Mr. Li, is to control floods and build docks. Fortunately, the hard work pays off, and the floods that occur every year are managed by them somehow.

The river embankment has been built for three years, success or failure depends on it, and this year the water is much larger than in previous years. If it can survive this time, this hidden danger will be completely eliminated in the future.

It has been raining for half a month, and the amount of water in the upstream has obviously increased, and the water level has skyrocketed.

"What do you guys think? Can you still hold on?" Li Yu's voice was a little hoarse. His eyes were bloodshot due to his sleeplessness these days, and he looked a little haggard.

A Zheng Hegong in his fifties said, "My lord, there seems to be no major problem at present. As long as we get through these days, when the sky clears and the water level in the upper reaches drops, we can rest easy." He was one of these people The oldest one among them has the oldest qualifications, and everyone agrees with what he said.

"Well." Li Yu nodded, "The key is these few days, we must persevere, I am afraid that if there is another wave of heavy rainfall, the river will surge and our dams will not be able to withstand it."

Now Li Yu has recruited A large number of people, anti-sandbags and piling people can be seen everywhere on the embankment. Although Li Yu arranged two shifts and took turns to rest, no one wanted to go down the embankment. If they were sleepy, they could just sleep for a while in the tent set up beside them.

This is their homeland. Floods often occurred in the past, and no one took the lead in managing them. The people suffered greatly from it and suffered unspeakably. Now Master Li leads them to build dams and control floods, but it is all for them. If they don't work hard to protect their homes, who else can they rely on?

Take a look, Master Li has been on the embankment all the time, hasn't he closed his eyes for several days? What else can they say, they just roll up their sleeves and work hard.

"This problem really needs to be paid attention to, and people have to be monitored at all times." Another river worker said that he looked at Li Yu's appearance, couldn't bear it, and persuaded him: "It's just my lord, you are better now." I haven't rested in the day, why don't you go back to the county government office to rest while it's still safe, just leave us here."

Li Yu waved his hand, "How can I relax and rest in such a situation?" He glanced at Xu Hegong who had been silent at the side, and asked, "Xiao Xu, I see you have been thinking, do you have any ideas? "

Xu Huainian is the youngest of these river workers. Young people are aggressive, quick-thinking, and have their own ideas on any issue. This is also highly valued by Li Yu. Therefore, I want to hear his opinion when I have nothing to do. .

Hearing Li Yu's question, Xu Huainian frowned, and after pondering for a while, he said, "My lord, I've been thinking about the section of Ma'an Village, where there are bends and the river is the most turbulent. In my opinion, more people should be sent to strengthen the stability of that section of the embankment."

Li Yu also remembered that there was indeed a sharp bend over there, and the current was fast. He nodded and was about to say something. One person said: "Although the water flow was fast at that time, judging from the calculated water level, the possibility of breaking the embankment is very small."

As soon as the words came out, everyone nodded in agreement. Xu Huainian opened his mouth, but finally closed his mouth . Among these people, he is a young junior, so his words are naturally not as effective as others. If you stick to your own ideas, I'm afraid that these people will use their qualifications to overwhelm others, that's all, it's better to go over there and watch for yourself, and it would be best if nothing happened. And they are

all experienced people, Li Yu naturally believed this, waved his hand and said: "That's all right, we still need to send someone to pay close attention to the water level over there, and report immediately if there is something wrong."

Dispersed to do their own things, Li Yu thought about it, and was about to take Xu Huainian to the river embankment in Ma'an Village to have a look, when he saw Chen Si hurriedly looking for him.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me to overlord or irrigate nutrient solution during 2020-07-2209:35:11~2020-07-2309:21:53~

Thanks to the little angels who cast landmines : Purple lavender 1 piece;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Yuhan;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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