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Killua had been in school for a week and it was already exhausting. It wasn't the school work, it wasn't the tight rules. It was Damian and Becky that made it infuriating. Killua had wanted to smack that uptight arrogant child upside the head about twenty times this last five days for a myriad of reasons. One, Damian kept insulting him. However, it wasn't that it got to him. What made him more and more ticked off, was how low intelligence the insults were. Damian really needed to expand his vocabulary if he was ever going to succeed at 'bullying' him.

With Becky however, it was the complete opposite. He spent half his time outside of class practically running away from her. He kind of regretted helping her out of that bush because she seemed to have fallen head over heels for him. One might think that he'd be flattered but killua was not a seven year old. He was fourteen. Not only that but he was as much into girls as he was into socializing, which was an absolute zero. "Killuaa!" Becky whined. Killua was hiding in the boy's bathroom at recess, it was pretty much the one place she couldn't go.

"are you alright? You've been in there for ten minutes! Should I get a teacher?" how has she not realized I'm avoiding her yet? "N-No I'm ok! I just uh...feel sick?" he lied. Becky gasped. "should I get the nurse?" dammit- "No, no I'm ok! Go play, I'm ok" he said. "are you sure?" he sighed. "yes" after about three more minutes of back and forth, she eventually left. "you don't look very sick to me" Killua sighed, glancing over his shoulder. Damian looked at him with distain from where the sinks were. "and you don't look like your washing your hands" he shot back. Damian rolled his eyes. "so? Your flat out lying"

"And?" he retorted. Damian crossed his arms with a huff. "you're a liar, what else are you lying about. Probably a lot" well- he wasn't wrong. However- "that's none of your business" he said, shoving his hands in his pockets with a roll of his eyes. Damian pointed at him. "aha! So you are hiding something!" isn't everyone? "everyone has their secrets, Damian Desmond." he said with a soft eerie smile. Damian hesitated, Killua had officially succeeded in making him uneasy. That happened to be something Killua happened to be very good at. "D-Don't look at me like that! Weirdo" he mumbled, then walked out of the bathroom.

That day when he got home from school he came home a bit late, having been pretty much forced to talk to Becky way longer than he wanted to. Killua walked in the door. "I'm ho-" he paused as he heard Anya whining. "I DON'T WANNA STUDYYYYY" Loid was scolding her. "Anya, your grades are low. You have a failing grade on three assignments, you need to study" Killua peeked into the kitchen, Loid was trying to get Anya to sit down but she wouldn't stop crying and trying to get down.

"papa why doesn't sis wanna study?" Anya whined. "big brother helpppp" Killua blinked, confused. Loid sighed. "no clue" Killua walked over. "what if I help sis study?" he said, looking up at Loid. Loid thought for a moment on that. Anya wiggled off the chair, then hugged Killua. "I wanna try that's! big brother's brain is quieter" she mumbled the last part to herself. Eh? What's that supposed to mean? Young children often said things that couldn't be explained so he didn't dwell too much on it. Loid sighed. "fine" he gave Killua a stern look. "if you two slack off, your responsible"

Killua huffed. "okay" Loid chuckled. "and I'll hide all your chocolate for a week" Killua gasped. "N-No!" he wouldn't dare! Loid patted his head. "then help her study" he said. "and don't screw around" Killua nodded. "I was gonna anyways!" he said, sticking his tongue out. Anya whined. "awe I thought big brother would give me a break" Killua grabbed her hand and started walking to his room. "No! im gonna help you not get those T bolts!" Killua grabbed his homework, then set it on the table. "alright, let's do this!"

About 30 minutes later, Anya and him had gotten nowhere. Killua didn't really know how to teach, but he didn't want to just give her the answers. Killua thought back to the way his parents trained him, and grimaced. He was only so smart and strong because of his family's brutal method of training. Killua wouldn't dare try to replicate that on Anya, he was supposed to be protecting her anyways. "big brother I'm sorry I'm not as smart as you.." she mumbled. Killua hugged her. "it's ok! I'm older and I had to study a lot before so it's not your fault. How about you try to solve this?"

Anya looked at the question and just...whined. "I don't know" Killua hummed. "well, which ones is it not?" Anya blinked. "well it's not the first one or the second one but why does that help?" Killua crossed out those two. "if you know it's not those, then it's easier to guess" Anya's jaw dropped. "ohhhhh" Killua smiled. "now it's a higher chance of being right" Anya's eyes shined. "big brother's so smart!" she kept doing the homework, then showed it to him. Killua smiled. She got an eight out of eleven, that's a lot better than it used to be! "did I do it?" Killua nodded. "yeah you got eight right! And there's eleven questions"

Anya beamed "yay!" she got up and ran out. "papa! papa look!" Killua peeked his head out of the room. Loid blinked. "yes Anya?" Anya showed him the paper. "look I did it!" Loid looked at it skeptically. "hm..", "I didn't cheat big brother taught me how to make it easier!" Loid looked a bit skeptical still. Well, he has been trying to teach her for weeks and I managed to help her get that score in just a day. He has every right to be suspicious. Anya grabbed some of her homework and put it down, then pointed. "I don't know what it is but I know it's not that and that, so it's one of those two! So if I guess from those two I get more right!"

Loid sighed. "so you still didn't...know the answers" he said. Anya hesitated. "well..no, but I can get better grades now right?" Loid rubbed his temples. "what about a question where there aren't choices and you have to fill in a blank?" Anya paused, then whined. "oh..." Killua walked out. "later I can sit down and go through problems with her! That's the easiest way to learn" Loid glanced at him. "hm?" Killua smiled. "I'll show her how to do it, then let her do it with me helping her, then let her do it on her own. She'll get it faster that way!" Killua had attempted teaching gon math on multiple occasions, and that was the only way he'd got anywhere at all. Anya whined. "sounds hard" Killua hummed. "for every question you get right on your own you get some peanuts!" Anya's eyes shined. "peanuts!"

1204 words

To be continued...

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