Unexpected love - 5H (part one)

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No one's pov

"Does this mic work? I don't hear myself" 

"Well thank god for that" 


"Who said thank god!"

"Oh shit mami Ally" says Dinah while trying to run of the stage. Lauren following close behind, but they were both to late. 

They stopped when they felt their ears pinched. Their ears burning and their faces were in shock and terror while looking at the small woman. This woman was the smallest of the group, but she was the most feared of them all.

With one glance were Lauren en Dinah silent. The piercing gaze of the disappointed girl was enough for them to know they were in trouble.

"She begun! I only asked a question and she answered mean" Said a pouting Dinah because it felt like her ear was being ripped of her head by the small latina.

"I don't care. You two are acting like complete children! We are practising for the show tonight so start focussing or there will be consequences" Said the mom of the group. Ally.

Lauren didn't even dare to say something. She dared to look up while Ally was speaking... well ... let's just say she looked down very quickly.

Ally let go of the girls their ears. Both started to rub their burning red ears. Trying to sooth them while awkwardly smiling at Ally. The short one let out a big sigh and rolled her eyes. She laughed at the frantics of those two, but tonight was different. Tonight was special. Tonight was the first show of their tour. 

This tour was overseas. It was going to be a long tour and Ally had this superstition. Ally believed if the first show of the tour went well that the rest of the tour will be great with little complications. But that also meant that she believed if the first show went bad that the tour will be hard for them.

By the time that Ally stopped thinking about all the things that could go wrong this tour, the last 2 members of the group showed up. Camila yawning and stretching. Normani just looking tired out of her eyes with a slumped position. "Ally it's so early. We were on the road the whole night why can't we start a little later." said Normani in a voice that could be described as begging. 

All the girls voiced their agreement to the small group. All thinking the same. They knew that Ally was also tired and that she also wasn't pleased being awake so early for practise. 

"Girls we need to do it. I wasn't the only one to agree to this tour so come on" said Ally with a strict voice.

"Damn shawty you need to find something that makes you relaxed, because you are stressing to much"

"... or someone" said Lauren while beginning to laugh. All the girls started to laugh after her comment, even Ally.

"Well it isn't like you girls are having better luck then me with that" said Ally while sticking her tongue out to the girls. All the girls pouted but laughed eventually.

"Well it is decided we all need some dick in our lives" Said Dinah while gasping for air. She laughed so hard that she totally forgot to breathe. She looked like she could choke as red and gasping for air she was.

Their laughter was interrupted by the backstage manager that was running up the stage towards the girls. "Girls i'm so sorry for these microphones. We noticed in the back that the microphones don't pick up any noice. I'll let my assistent bring some new ones" 

He immediately whipes out his phone. and startes typing. The girls looked confused. They didn't know that the crew was expanded since the last tour. Most of the time it was the same crew that went on tour with them. 

"Do you have a new assistent Todd?" Asked Camila with a confused smile on her face. The rest of the girls nodded in agreement. All of them wanted to know about this new assistent.

"Yeah we hired her just before the tour. She needs to do internship for her degree."

"She?" asked Ally with a happy expression. She was happy to hear that a female was joining their crew. Most of the people that were working on the tour were male except their make-up and dance teachers. 

"Yeah y/n. A young student that wanted to know about the tour life and she needs to write a manuscript about her experience on tour with you girls. So be nice and don't give her a overwhelming impression of you girls" He said with a wink and laughed after that.

We didn't have time to ask why we would overwhelming for this girl, because we heard fast footsteps running towards the stage. 

Then they saw her. Running from behind the backstage curtains. Hair strands falling infront of her face and her breathing rapid. The girls were in total shock. The girl collected herself and brushed her hair back. She smiled at the girls in a way they would describe as a feeling warm and home.

"Todd you asked for 5 new microphones?" Said the young beauty to the elderly man. 

"Yeah yeah quick hand them to the girls" said he with a small chuckle. He saw the girls reaction to y/n. How fast their attention shifted to the young girl when she entered the stage. Like she was their drugs and they were obsessed with her.

For the girls was it quite confussing. Lauren had less trouble understanding what it meant. What her feelings meant. Why she couldn't look away. The other girls never felt like this about a girl before. It as for them only boys and never did they think about a girl this way, but y/n... y/n was different. 

While they were looking at y/n it was as if they were teenagers again looking at their first crush. Their first love. Wich was crazy because they litteraly met her 2 minutes ago.

The snapped out of their thinking when they saw y/n walk closer to them. With a charming smile aproched y/n the girls. Each of them were handed a microphone by y/n while looking them in the eyes. Their hands touching y/n's while they were given their mics. Electricity. That's the only way the girls could describe the moment their hands touched.

"Thank you" Said Ally in a quite voice. The rest of the girls just stood there in silent. Just looking what could be described as a bit creepy, but y/n didn't think of it in that way. She chuckled at the effect she has on the girls and winked at them. The girls quickly looked away and were blushing hard.

The stared to long and the young girl found a creative and subtle way to bring the girls back to earth and out of their thoughts.

"I guess i'll see you around girls" said y/n with a big smile. She turned around and started to walk backstage while passing Todd she quickly nodded at him and walked away. Todd was trying not to laugh but he was failing. The faces the girls were making were just so funny. Pure shock with  a red face was jsut such a funny look on them. 

Before y/n went backstage she turned around one more time while she kepped walking and winked one last time to the girls before she disaapeared behind the curtains.

"Good luck girls, this tour is going to be a challenge" He said before her bursted in laughter again. He laughed so hard that even when he walked backstage, the girls could hear him. They know tthat he didn't mean that singing was going to be a challenge but focussing was. Even Ally her focus went to the young girl instead to their practise.

"Well damn, i don't need a dick just give me y/n and i'm happy" said Dinah while laughing. 

The girls all started to come back to reality. They knew that they all felt and thought the same. Y/n. The young beauty. The new assisttent of Todd. How are they going to be able to focus on their tour with this girl in their crew. This young goddess. Y/n.


So it took some time but here is a new one shot about you and the girls!

Let me know in the comment or in the chat if you have requests for stories. How do you think this is going to end in part 2 or maybe in part 3?!

love y'all


words: 1388

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