Secret love - Normani

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no one's pov

When you hold me in the street and you kiss me on the dance floor
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't it be like that
'Cause I'm yours

Always when y/n tries to kiss her or give her a hug in public Normani would push her away and say that she need to think abt what she is doing bc she can't go public. Y/n wants to leave but can't bc she loves Normani to much to leave her. 

We keep behind closed doors
Every time I see you, I die a little more
Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls
It'll never be enough

Y/n always try to share secret glances with Normani. Sometimes Normani tries to but then she is scared that someone sees it and stopt. When the are togheter again she will tell y/n to stop it bc it will all be her fault if someone finds out abt it. Y/n cries always bc she doesn't feel enough for Normani bc of it. She always thinks 'If i'm enough why can't nobody know abt us then?'

It's obvious you're meant for me
Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly
Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep
But I'll never show it on my face
But we know this, we got a love that is homeless

One day Normani will be so sweet to her and the other time she will just ignore y/n. Y/n tries to not show her sadness on her face but you can always clearly see it. Y/n and Normani complete eachother but Normani doesn't eant to see it and just push y/n away.

Why can't you hold me in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
'Cause I'm yours

Normani is always so nice and sweet to everyone except to her girlfriend in public. She will just ignore her then or just answer short and walk away. She even makes fun of y/n when they are in public, but when they come home then she will hug and kiss y/n as much as she can. y/n is just so hurt and becomes even a little bit depressed bc of it.

When you're with him, do you call his name
Like you do when you're with me, does it feel the same?
Would you leave if I was ready to settle down?
Or would you play it safe and stay?
Girl you know this, we got a love that is hopeless

Normani even 'dated' some guys so that everyone thinks she is straight and that y/n is nothing to her. y/n starts to get tired bc of Normani her behavior. She loves Normani to death but she can't do all of this much longer..

Why can't you hold me in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
'Cause I'm yours
And nobody knows I'm in love with someone's baby
I don't wanna hide us away
Tell the world about the love we making
I'm living for that day

Y/n wants to tell everyone abt their relationship and abt how much she loves her secret babygirl, but she just can't. Everytime she starts to talk abt coming out to Normani, Normani would just completly flip and become angry.

Why can't I hold you in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?
I wish that we could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
'Cause I'm yours, I'm yours
Oh, why can't you hold me in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't it be like that?
'Cause I'm yours

Y/n is just to tired to continue all this and just want a final answer from Normani bc she can't do this anymore. She makes up her mind and head outside to Normani who is shopping with her 'boyfriend'.

Why can't I say that I'm in love?
I wanna shout it from the rooftops
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
'Cause I'm yours
Why can't we be like that?
Wish we could be like that

When y/n confronted Normani abt it, Normani was shocked and scared. "Y/n i can't but pls don't leave me baby" said Normani in a low voice so that nobody coud hear her. "I love you y/n/n pls don't". Y/n sighed and looked back at Normani with tears in her eyes. "I love you to Normani but i can't do this anymore. Have fun with your 'boyfriend' " she turned around and start to walk away. "NOOO Y/N!" yelled Normani. 

She had tears streaming down her face and she was on her knees. The boy that was with her tried to hug her but she pushed him away. 'All i want is y/n and now i dont have her anymore. She is the love of my life and i pushed her away' she thought and just stared at y/n that was walking down the street also with tears rolling down her cheek. They both lost their soulmates and felt really bad, but y/n also felt relieved she didn't have to hide herself anymore she can be happy again. She wasn't a secret love anymore.

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