Their world saved their angels- 5H

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No one's pov

Y/n and the girls of 5H are all in a relationship for 2 years. The families love her but first some where a little difficult like Ally her parents.

Het parents were worried that y/n was a player and that she didn't truly love her and the other girls but they changed their minds when they saw y/n interact with them.

They are everything to her and she is everything to them. That the families love her is really important for the girls bc all the girls of 5H really love them and they can't choose between the 2 most important things in their lives.

All 6 of them were sitting in the garden and the siblings of Dinah and Camila were playing with each other.

"Sooooo..." y/n said nervous. All the girls looked at her with love in their eyes. She really was their world. "Euhm.... can we get a puppy? BEFORE you say no look at how cute this one is" she said with a pout on her face and showing the girls her screen.

The girls really couldn't say no to her but they were for sure it not going to make it easy for her. They knew that from the moment y/n moved in with them 1 year ago that she wanted a puppy and know she found what she thinks is the 'perfect' puppy.

"Mmmmm idk babygirl" Lauren Said with a smirk on her face while looking at the girls and winking at them to play along. "Yeahhh idk either baby... it's not very easy to take care of a puppy" said Ally with a sad tone on her face while she is smiling really big bc y/n looked so cute. The rest of the girls have some kind of respons that was the same as them.

Y/n didn't see it bc she was looking sad at the picture on the phone. All the girls were smirking but that dropped soon of their faces when they saw 1 lonely tear fall out of her eye. "Ahwww b-" but Normani was cut off. "It's okay mani it was stupid anyway". "No it's not we were messing with you nugget were really sorry".

All the girl stood up and hugged the smaller girl. "Sooo... does that mean that we can get a puppy?" She said really exited with puppy dog eyes. The girls of 5H laughed at that. "Yeah monkey you can" said a laughing Camila.

Y/n jumped up and started to run in the garden like a 4 year old. All the girls were laughing bc of the behavior of their girlfriend.

There laughter was cut short when they noticed that Sofia (Camilas sister (for the noobs)) and Regina (Dinahs sister). They looked around the backyard and saw that the door to the street was open.

They all run out the door and looked around. From left a car came speeding towards them and Regina and Sofia started to run up the street.

It was like in slomotion. The girls screaming and crying and y/n starting to run towards the kids. She was just in time to push the kids up the street but she was hit herself by the car.

She flipped over the car and fell face down on the street. She didn't move she didn't do anything. You heard a ambulance coming towards them bc of the people who saw it happen called it but the girls just stood there frozen. The love of their life... was laying there not breathing not talking or moving nothing.

The ambulance arrived and took y/n immediately to the hospital for surgery. Y/n fought so hard but sadly died 2 hours after the accident bc of her bad injuries.

The girls could only cry and feel the pain in their now empty hearts. Their world saved their little angels and that cost her her life.

1 week later

The puppy was running around the now sad house. The girls were watching it with tears in their eyes. Imagining how it would have been with y/n here.

The puppy was the last thing y/n really wanted so the girls got him. All they felt was pain in their hearts which they knew would never be filled again like with y/n.

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