Rivals -Normani (part one)

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"Today is the day. The day that everyone is waiting for. The finals of the American dance competition. Both teams have worked hard to be here. Training and diets. I don't know how they do it. What do you think about it John?" said Gail to her fellow presenter.

"Well Gail we know for sure that it would be a tough competition for both of the teams. The team of captain Y/n is a well oiled machine, but the team of captain Alice is undefeated for 5 years. We all have seen how good the team of y/n y/l/n is this year. The group made a big comeback since y/n became captain, but are they good enough to defeat the current champions. Wait to find out." John said with enthusiasm in his voice. 

Everyone is enthusiastic. The grand final. The last battle. The last 2 groups fighting it out for the title. The American dancing stars title. It's the most populair dance title a girl group can get. It's the title everyone is chasing. 

In the last battle the 2 groups are going to battle against eachother. It's a 1 vs 1. Both teams will choose 1 dancer to dance each round. The competition has 8 rounds. The goup who wins the most rounds wins the competition and the title. 

"Well Gail i see the groups coming out of the tunnel right now. Ladies and gentlemans. The moment you all have been waiting for. The big final. Who will win. Who will get the title and the cup! will it be the current champions with their ruthless leader Alice or will it be the rising dancing group with the new captain Y/n. What do you think John?"

"Well Gail i'm not sure. The current champions are going to have a hard time keeping their title. Y/n y/l/n has only been captain for a year, but she has already accomplished a lot. The are on a current streek of 7 wins in a row. I think we will see a lot more coming from y/n in the future."

"Well John we will see it in a few seconds, because there they are. Everyone let us hear you for captain y/n and her team!"

Everyone looked to the left and stood up. Clapping and yelling. The audiance went absolutly crazy. All the eyes were on the new girl group. Some criticize them and some are already celebrating for them. Celebrating because they came so far. The girl group was unstable for a long time. The girls weren't on the same page and their leader wasn't a good role model by being the biggest bully. But that all changed when y/n became the captain. The girls were barely about much on the same page but this was for all a quick decision. 

Y/n has alwasy been the most caring girl on the team of them all. Always looked after everyone and brought justice to those who was wronged. All the girls looked up to her. Wanted her advice about pretty much everyone. Wanted her attention and acceptance. 

That is why the group was a rising dance group. All the girls tried their hardest to make y/n proud of them. What they didn't know was that y/n was already proud of them. They started listening to eachother. Started to listen to eachother. Started to care for eachother.

y/n's group was on stage and was waving back to their fans in the audiance. To their parents and friends. All the girls were standing next to eachtother looking at the audiance in shock.

"Who is this real? Someone pinch me!" Said Mary who is the youngest of the group. She is the baby and everyone takes aventage of her innocence. They love when she gets embarresed because she got for the 100th time pranked by the team.

"Alright" said Joyce and she pinched Mary hard in her side. 

"Ow! you bastard i was not serious" said Mary to Joyce. They always had a teasing relationship with eachother. Both girls felt connected to eachother. They couldn't be away from eachother for a long period. But they would never confess that in the open ofcourse. They were to stuborn for that. Everyone saw it, but they were the only ones that were so clueless. Everyone on the team mad a bet with eachother how long it would take for them to confess to eachother. Many had guessed they would'ver already confessed but the captain was the only one that said that it would be tonight. 

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