My hero -Dinah

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No ones pov

Tap Tap


Tap Tap

"Hello Dinah?"

Before Dinah could continue, she was interrupted by Ally. The mom of the group janked dinah her phone out of her hands and put it in her purse. Dinah looked at Ally in confusion. She didn't know why the little one of the group did that. She was just a second on her phone.

Dinah looked quick behind Ally at the wall. On that wall there was a clock. Dinah thought that Ally was being dramatic, but when she looked closer she saw that 20 minutes had passed. Dinah was a little shocked that time went by that fasted. Dinah gulped and looked at Ally a little scared. She knew that Ally hated the phone at the table. 

"Dinah Jane.... What did i say about that phone" Said the mom of the group.

"Hey i'm 18! i'm not a kid-" did Dinah say while trying to defend herself, but she was cut off.

"Well we are all trying to talk to you and you are the whole time on your phone. We do not have a lot of free time and we are out for breakfast with eachother so it would be nice to not have our phones in our faces" said Ally with a strict voice.

"ooooooh burn" Said Lauren in a quiet voice to Camilla and Normani, but she quickly looked away when Ally shifted her gaze to her. 

Ally sight and shook her head. They finally had some free time and the oldest of the group decided that it would be fun to grab some lunch at the Waffle house. All the girls were excited about it. Not because they were going to eat at the Waffle house, but because they were finally getting away for a little from their managers. They know that they have their best interest in mind, but they are a lot to handle.

"What are you even doing on your phone?" said Ally in a interested voice. She knew damn well what Dinah was doing, but the grils like to tease Dinah about it. Most of the time Dinah was teasing or pranking them, but when they had the chance to have revenge they would take it without thinking about it.

"Yeah what are you doing on that little phone Dinah" Said Lauren in a teasing voice.

"I know it!" said Camilla "Do you Mani?"

"I know damn well what she is doing" said Normani with a smirk. All the girls started laughing at Dinah her face that kept getting redder. They were laughing so hard that Ally didn't even correct Normani for saying damn in her presence. Dinah wanted to just slid under the table and disappear from the world.

The youngest of the group had a little crush. Well ... little wouldn't excatly describe it. She had the biggest crush on a singer. The girl was haunting her dreams. Her recent muse for all her inspiration. The girl that makes her sing more passionate then ever before. If she would get a dollar for evertime that she would think about her she would have 1 dollar, because she never leaves her mind. Y/n Y/l/n. 

A few months ago she first saw her. She performed as opening show. The moment that Dinah saw her, she was captured by the sound of her voice and the movement of her body. She never saw something like her before. She was beautifull and just so natural. Dianh thought that she was so perfect with her imperections. 

Y/n is quite clumpsy. She tripped while peforming and almost forgot to sing some of her lines, but nobody cared. Everyone loved her performance. It was so reall and natural. Y/n was just in some jeans and a blazer with a shirt underneath. 

Since that performance can't stop thinking about her. She just had to meet you and see you again. Last night y/n had a concert again. It was her own concert and Dinah decided that she had to see you again and maybe meet you. She was quite sad to find out that the meet and greet tickets were sold out, but she had at least tickets for the show. The girls came with her. They also loved y/n her opening act and wanted see her perform again, but they also came with Dinah to tease her the whole time.

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