"Devil's motivations"

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It was almost night, some small rays of sunlight were still getting trough the tiny jailed window inside his room, illuminating the numerous papier-mâché masks that were hanging on the walls. Actually, calling it a 'room' was way too generous, this place is a jail, a cage to keep the monster locked, away from the word in the darkness...

Inside this tiny space was a man, his massive hulking figure sitting on a chair in front of a tiny work table working on another mask, right now it was nothing but a bunch of layers of paper, he still had no idea which emotion or face the mask would have, usually the process would be completely improvised depending on his mood, but today he was feeling straight up blank, indifferent to everything... Maybe this is how he should leave it? Just a blank mask?

Who was this man exactly? Michael Myers himself, yeah... He... Grew up a lot, as well as his art skills, (Y/N) and his mother would be proud of him, probably.

The eerie silence of the sanatorium was interrupted by someone's footsteps, slowly approaching Michael's room, he already learned to identify when people were coming towards his space, he knew their footsteps always held hesitation.

And just as he suspected, the person, most likely a guard or a caretaker, behind the metal door stopped right in front of it, sighing and clearing his throat.

—"Hey Myers freak, your girlfriend is sending you some shitty letter."—

The guards says, Michael doesn't even bother to turn around but he clearly hear some piece of paper shifting and being pushed trough the gaps of a tiny window in the upper part of the large metal door.

—"Hope you're smart enough to read the paper, and not eat and choke on it."—

The guard scoffs with a nasty tone and then begins to walk, Michael almost rolls his eyes at the man's remark. Of course he can read, he's not stupid. He's actually smart enough to know that this place is nothing but a prison. The workers are a bunch of scumbags that pretend to care and help you, but they do the complete opposite.

After sitting for a couple of minutes, Michael finally decides to look back and... There was actually a letter in front of the door. Huh the guard didn't lie, he said it was from his 'girlfriend', could it be from...?

The behemoth of a man stands up and slowly makes his way towards the piece of paper, then bends down and takes it. After unfolding it he is met with the next message...

- - -

"Hey Mikey! It's me, (Y/N) (L/N). Not sure if my name is familiar to you, but I used to take care of you when you were around 6, we met after your sister Judith and me went to your house to finish our school project, that day I gave you one of my drawings, remember? It was a killer clown I believe."

"It's been quite a while since my last message so this is how my life's going right now, I work as a composer, I basically create music for people. I also improved a lot at playing the piano! Way better than my last recorded message where I played a melody. I wish I could show you my improvement, you would be amazed!"

"I still look almost like I did when I was 15, but with some scar of my face and body, do you remember how I got them? If not, that's good. But if you do, just know that I never blamed you for it, I'm honestly happy that I was there to protect you because even to nowadays I care about you and your well-being. Remember that no matter how bad things seem to get, you still matter to me and I wish you nothing but the best. Please take care of yourself and stay safe Mikey!"

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now