"Going through the day"

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After Olivia kindly offered, aka forced, (Y/N) to take and eat something for breakfast. The female and the detective kept talking about their future actions and how to deal with the 'Myers problem'.

—"Okay let me see if I got this right. My role is to keep playing along and house Michael until the authorities notice the numerous murders in the town?"— you ask, your brows slightly furrowed.

—"Correct. I know, it sounds crude but unfortunately there is no other way to convince the police to investigate. I tried, really, but all I got as an answer was a threat of getting fired."— Joseph tiredly sighs.

—"I can't comprehend why your boss didn't listen to you... You are like the best detective of the whole town! Or maybe the whole region!"—

At such words, the detective lets out a chuckle which made (Y/N) give him a look, it is already a rare event to see the man smile, not mentioning laugh! And usually when he does, it's not because of a happy or good reason...

—"You're way too kind sometimes (Y/N). But it's a common thing to close and hide a problematic or exhausting case under the rug as quickly as possible when some sort of conclusion is made."— he confess. —"And the only way to made the authorities retake such cases, is demonstrating that there is still serious shit going on."—

At such information, (Y/N)'s stomach twisted. She couldn't help but feel awful and disappointed that in order to receive some basic protection and safety innocent people have to put themselves in danger or even die...

—"...And what if Michael... Suddenly stop killing? What if he... Doesn't kill anyone at all?"— you doubtfully ask.

Such question made Joseph think, the man folds his arms and leans into one of the walls whilst he closes his eyes.

—"You really think Myers is going to stop?"— he then asks, opening his eyes and glancing right at you.

The female stays quiet, she remembers that since early years Michael had some sort of sick pleasure killing small animals, tho... Such events became rarer when she became closer to him, so... Maybe... The same is going to happen now...?

She suddenly groans and shakes her head. No, this is stupid to even consider, there is no way a murder will stop it's terror just because. Despite knowing, seeing and experiencing Michael's softer part she knows, she knows he can and will snap and let his impulses and temper get the best of him, she already experienced such snap this morning...

—"I... I don't know at his point, but you're right. It was dumb to think."— you sigh in defeat.

—"Not really, I understand that you've seen and know more about Myers than anyone else. It's only natural of you to expect that he could do better, but this ain't a fairy tail, unfortunately... If it was, I would be demanding my flying carpet."—

—"Heh, same here."— you sigh with a weak smile. —"I'm going to be honest, I'm a bit worried about going home, not sure what to expect from Michael."—


—"Yes... I would lie if I say I'm not."— you admit and lower your gaze.

Joseph stays silent for a second, then glances at (Y/N) again.

—"Tell me, how much time you still have before meeting Carpenter?"—

—"Oh, like and hour, why?"— you arch your brow.

—"Mind tagging along to the police department really quick? I think I have something for you in case things go wrong."— he straightens his posture and makes a motion with his head to follow him.

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