"Together is safer...Right?"

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—"So let me see if I understood you correctly miss (L/N)... The intruder broke into your house, pinned you to a surface and just stared?"— the officer asks you with a quizzical look.

—"For god's sake, yes! I understand it sounds surreal but I swear I'm as confused as you are."— you say, trying to keep your cool and don't let the frustration out.

By this time, (Y/N) was in the interrogation room at the police department. The female was still wearing her comfy pijamas with some blood on it, as well as in her face, from the grip that the massive stranger held her in.

—"That's odd, because the attacks of the described intruder were always brutal."— the officer locks his eyes with yours. —"Isn't it weird that he decided to spare you?"—

—"Spare?! That dude was about to choke or smash my head against the door before Joseph announced his presence!"— you exclaim back in disbelief. —"Also what kind of blame-game are we playing, huh? Just because he was slower to act you mean I'm his 'partner in crime'?!"—

—"No no, I'm just saying that if it happens to be true and you two do work together, it wouldn't be surprising since you have the most reasons to hate this place and it's citizens."— the officer smoothly replies and looks away to the notepad that was on the table.

—"And how about instead of trying to find me guilty y'all try to find the actual criminal?!"— you exclaim back whilst standing up, completely done with this nonsense.

The officer says nothing, just sighs and signs the female towards the door, indicating she's free to go. (Y/N) scoffs at the man and walks out, still cursing at everything silently under her breath.

When she thought the night couldn't get worse, she's greeted with a well known doctor right outside the interrogation room.

—"I can tell god hates me..."— you grumpily huff.

—"Pleasures to see you too, (Y/N). Do you have a moment?"— he goes straight to the point.

—"Yes I do, but I won't give it to you, good night."— you try to walk past, but the doctor stands in front, blocking your path.

—"Look (Y/N). Let's put out differences and unlikeness aside just for 15 minutes, okay? I know the police didn't believe you, but I will. So please, if you are kind enough to tell me what happened..."—

The female says nothing, staring at the floor and thinking before releasing a sigh and nodding. Despite disliking Loomis he was right, she needs to put aside her pride let him help since he seems to be the only one who will listen to her.

—"Let's just go somewhere else, don't want anyone to overhear and take it out of context."— you say a bit more calm, Loomis nods.

After finding a comfortable lone place somewhere inside the department, (Y/N) began to retell what happened and how the intruder was acting, Loomis was paying a lot of attention and being quite thoughtful at times, as if trying to search for an answer or an explanation inside of his mind.

—"And... That's all. After breaking out of his grip I hadn't seen him again."— you say whilst hugging your arms.

—"The stoic behavior, the staring, the stature... No doubt it was Michael."— Loomis says whilst slightly caressing his beard.

—"A-are you completely sure?"—

—"Yes. I'm sorry (Y/N) but that was 100% Michael. I... I can imagine how hard it is to see him like this after a long time, knowing how close you both were."— his voice was surprisingly soft and his eyes slightly empathic.

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now