"Wounded Boogieman"

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Michael is alive... Michael is alive and he is standing right next to (Y/N), watching her laying form from above, his eyes dark and unreadable. Is he angry at her? Did he figured out she followed Joseph's plan?

So many possibilities, so many theories, but which one of them is true?

(Y/N) swallows the lump in her throat and rubs her eyes, hoping that this is some sort of sick dream and as soon as she opens her eyes again the massive figure will be gone... But no, he's still there, staring into her soul.

Out of nowhere, something sharp and cold was going through her stomach, when she looks down, a knife was sticking out of her body... A knife...?!

(Y/N)'s eyes wide and she opens her moth to scream, but instead of her voice blood begins to pour. Michael takes his knife out of her roughly, eyes now full of hate and betrayal. He knows, he knows she helped Joseph to catch him, and he is so angry at her...

Michael raise the bloody knife, ready to stab again and with more violence. But when the blade was about to make contact with (Y/N's skin...

A startled yelp left her mouth and the next thing she feels is her sleepy form falling into the floor. Auch.

It takes her a moment to realize it was just a nightmare. (Y/N) quickly checks her stomach and searches for a stab wound, as if to reassure herself that it was just in fact a bad dream. Luckily she found nothing.

The female sighs in relief, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, that was such a terrible nightmare and it felt so real, well the staring part felt real.

She decides that it's enough sleep for now and begins to stand up, when a familiar flash of white catches her eye...

(Y/N)'s head snaps to the side and she freezes. The man that died a couple of hours ago, the one that just killed her in her dream, was in the corner of the room, watching her.

This... This is a dream again, is it? There is no way this is real... It's just her mind playing tricks, it must be!...

—"...You're part of another nightmare, are you...?"— you ask doubtfully whilst slowly standing up, not taking your eyes from the figure.

The man tilts his head slightly, his posture not changing a bit. But, unlike in the dream, his posture and gaze didn't feel menacing, not at all at least. He seemed to be... Curious? Almost entranced by looking at her, as if (Y/N) was the most interesting thing in the world to look at!

The lack of answer or reaction from the massive figure only made (Y/N) frown whilst she sighs in annoyance, why does her OWN mind has to be so cruel to her?

—"Of course you're not real... You died."— you mutter to yourself, saying the last part with a saddened tone.

As an answer, she gets a low huff from the figure. Michael's head then straightens up and he begins to slowly walk towards (Y/N). The female tensed, even if this is another dream it... Doesn't feel like one. But the fear that begins to run through her body, that feels pretty real.

(Y/N) then notices how slowly Michael was moving. It would be easy to escape him now if it's needed... Should she try? Will it worth the attempt ? Yeah it's silly to try to escape when you're not sure if you're awake or no, but (Y/N) knows luck never was her strength so she rather not to take any chances.

The closer Michael was gettin, the stiffer her own body got, the female didn't understand this sense of dread but it kept her in place. Why?... Why now?!

Despite the slow movements, in the next couple of blinks Michael was in front of (Y/N), towering menacingly over her form and just... Looking at her, as if expecting her to say something.

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now