Chapter 31: Torment

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Isuke and Shiki made their way to the secret hideout with two bowls of katsudon. Their dads would be there shortly, but seeing as they needed two cars, the kids decided to ride together. And letting Shiki drive was clearly a mistake on Isuke's part.

"Why are you drifting around the corners?! Keep all four wheels on the ground, please, I beg of you! Don't slam on the breaks, my head is going to fall off!" Were just a few of the things he yelled.

When they arrived, Shiki hopped out of the car like nothing was amiss and pressed the lock button on the key fob. "This new stuff Mitsuo gave me is working really well... I know I shouldn't be moving my arm, but it feels great!"

"Forget your wounded shoulder, you're going to kill us both driving like a maniac! I feel sick..." Isuke held his stomach as he walked into the apartment complex and headed for the elevator. "That being said, I wonder if they're really not a thing."

"Who, Boutarou and Sayaka?"

"Yeah." The metal doors opened with a ding, and Isuke pressed the button for the third floor. "I guess you've known them longer than me, but it seems like they're practically married."

"Mm... You didn't get to see the way they acted back in high school. It was like she nagged at him for everything he did. He's got a soft spot for her, but they're both too stubborn to admit anything."

"Really? I feel like they're just putting up a front... He kissed her you know."

Shiki blinked a few times. "Huh?!"

"It was right before we went to save Mr. Utsushima. After dropping Sayaka off in an internet café, she was sound asleep. Knocked out by the drugs. And I told him there was a small possibility he could get shot and die... So he opened the door, scooped her up, and kissed her."


Isuke raised an eyebrow as the elevator doors opened. "Duh." He stepped out, walking down the hallway towards the room. "They even slept together on the foof last night. They were all cuddled up by the wall this morning. I mean, Sayaka doesn't seem too into him, but--"

Shiki stopped Isuke over his arm right before they rounded the corner of the hallway. "Sh."


"Because... You told him he was going to have to practice with Sayuri, right?"

Isuke crept forward, following Shiki's lead and lowering his voice to a whisper. "Well yeah... But what does that have to do with anything?"

"It's just a hunch... But he might have decided to confess to her. Just to clear things up before he leaves. And if he did, we would definitely be interrupting."

"But I didn't think Sayaka--"

"Sayaka's liked him this whole time," he whispered, nearing the door. "I caught her entire story on the security cameras in Mr. Utsushima's room. It's pretty sad actually..."

Isuke paused. He pressed his ear to the door.

"What are you doing?" Sayaka's voice. It was like a whimper or a whisper, he wasn't sure which one.

Shiki put his ear to the door above him.

"Just trust me..." Boutarou's voice was husky and deep and breathless.

Isuke looked at Shiki. Shiki looked at Isuke. They both slowly backed away from the door. And backed straight into their fathers.

"What's going on?"

Isuke's father's smile was always terrifying. It seemed like every time he would come back from slaughtering several people, he still wore the same smile.

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