Chapter 11

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I'd be lying if I said the idea of going on a date with Sebastian Sallow didn't make me unfathomably nervous.

I lay in bed, waiting to fall asleep, but all I could think about was tomorrow. I couldn't get any information from him about what we were doing or where we were going. All he said was to bring my broom and meet him by the clock tower's gate.

I can't stop pondering about him.

How am I supposed to sleep when every time I close my eyes, I can still feel the sensation of his kisses, the way he places his hands on my waist, the image of him shirtless. Every detail of Sebastian's existence plagued my subconscious.


It was Sunday noon, the time in which Sallow said we should meet was coming closer, yet I was still in the girl's lavatory with Cressida, Poppy, Imelda, and Nerida all helping me get ready.

I decided to wear a pretty blue dress, but the subject of my hair was still up for discussion.

"Leave it down" Imelda said with crossed arms.

Cressida shook her head, "I believe it would look nicer all up"

"All up would look more graceful. You'd look more proper for sure" Nerida agreed.

"She's not looking to look graceful, she needs to look good" Imelda started handling my hair.

She carefully brushed my hair, Cressida reached over to stop her, but Imelda shooed her away.

"I think Imelda has a point. You do look quite pretty with your hair down" Poppy smiled.

"Thanks, Poppy" I responded, examining myself in the mirror.

"Yes darling, you look like gold!" The mirror opined.

"See, even the mirror agrees" Imelda said with pridefulness.

"Fine, I suppose I see the vision" Cressida shrugged.

Imelda kept styling my hair, I had never seen her so focused on something that didn't have to do with flying.

"Where is he taking you for the date?" Cressida asked enthusiastically.

"He hasn't told me, I have no idea what we are even doing" I answered.

"Ooh, mysterious" Cressida started fixing my sleeve.

Poppy perked up, "Well, I saw him sneaking around in the greenhouse carrying huge bags of something."

"You think that has something to do with the date?" I asked attentively.

"Well, it's not like him to be in the greenhouse unless it's for class" Poppy made a curious face.

I couldn't help but fantasize about where he possibly could be taking me, hopefully, it wasn't an abandoned cave like last time. However, I wouldn't mind a repeat of how that night turned out.

"There, perfect" Imelda finalized.

"Thank you guys" I stared at their work in the mirror.

"You better tell us how it goes, all the obnoxious details" Cressida enthused.

"I will, I promise" I was ready for the date.


I walked to the clock tower, broom in hand. I had really tried with my outfit, and I actually did feel very pretty walking around the halls.

I hope Sebastian thinks I look decent enough for the date; I wonder if he's as oddly nervous as I am.

I arrived at the clock tower, and Sallow was already standing there, even though I was a bit early. It made me smile knowing he was always late to everything, yet he was never late to meet up with me.

Amortentia || Sebastian Sallow x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant