24. Words Can't Hurt Me

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-the pieces are gone-


6 months later (1 year+6 months after Eliyas's Arrest)

Life can get cold. It can turn into a camp settled at a crossroad meant to shelter a damaged man. Eliyas would wake up as a poor man and shift against emotions that had sprung on him in the worst of times. 


His constant dreams, one face reappearing...it was the most horrible time to get a crush, especially when that crush was a horrible choice. 

No! He had battled hard to understand what was going on, to even give into the idea of crushing...

But every night, he would dream of her face. Every day, he would feel his heartbeat thud erratically and his forehead sweat in confusion. 

At first, he tried to convince himself that he was simply confused, that it meant nothing but missing the easy life of control and set routines. 

Yet, he missed her. 

His butchered personality, beaten-out ego and defeat were giving him all kinds of feels.

He felt like a shell of his biker-boy personality...the machoness, the alpha attitude who was too good for rich brats... 

He couldn't crush on the woman who was from the favoured side of the streets. She had everything until she was a fool to let it all go. She was a completely dumb prey, so ungrateful to live on silver spoons while he would rot away, searching through the trash for sellable products to help his son sleep with a full stomach at night. 

She didn't deserve to be admired, missed...yet in insolation, she was all who was bombarding his dreams.


"I heard you have a wife and a child. Must be hard to let them go. Did your wife file for divorce already?" A jail thug, with muscles able to intimidate everyone but him, sat next to him during the lunch break. 

"No." Taking a spoonful of green gravy, Eliyas spoke with a stoic, almost bored, expression. 

Nothing interested him nowadays. 


"Oh, she must love you a lot. I don't know why you are in here, but you seem tough. Wanna be on my side? We can help each other during jail fights. I am seriously in the mood to bash a few here. During midnight mayhem hours, we can roughen up some of these with our fists and get them to work for us here! It will make things so much more amusing, here!"

"I don't love her." Eliyas snapped back in annoyance, still stuck on the love part.

The man smirked, leaving his tray, and looking at Eliyas with added interest. "Oh, I am already entertained. I never mentioned you loving her. So we have a sentimental guy in here! Trust me, feels will make you an easy target, Men in here like beating up loverboys!" 

"I have lived on the streets long enough to deal with these men." Eliyas glared back, intimidating the man down into a cowering fool. "Also, my wife was just one of the many rich girls who helped me get some easy cash." An arrogant smirk appeared on his face, happy to be reminded of how far he had been able to pull Sila along, grateful to be reminded that his dreams meant nothing to him.

That poor girl...

"You married one of your victims? Wow! Good game. She must have been tough if she got you to marry her in order to scam her. Impressive!"

Eliyas's eyebrow narrowed in thought. 

No! She wasn't tough at all. 

She was tiny and so gullible.

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