25. Returning Back

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-Visiting the past is always painful-


His sentence had ended. And now he was standing before a window, leaning against his bike with his arms folded in an emotion of deep sorrow.

His wife and son were inside a small ground-floor apartment. 

He could see their silhouettes, feel the breeze of the evening tease his senses and remind him of all he had lost in life...because of his own blunders.

His Nabeel was so big now, so grown up. He had missed so much. The first day to school, the first fallen tooth, the first bicycle ride, the first word...

A sigh escaped straight from his heart, as his shoulders remained slumped. 

The progress from the top to bottom was something he never believed he would experience in his life. He had been almost arrogant, too confident, and now there was a foreign sensation of defeat resting on his shoulders.

It was almost surreal, an out-of-mind feel to understand that he wasn't as powerful as he had assumed himself to be.  

He never knew he would morph into a shaky man, but five years had been enough to pull him down to his knees. He felt different now, quieter...more reasonable. Power had been such a vague concept, and he had finally experienced what it was like to not be in control. 

The man (who once had no qualms about breaking hearts and never believed he could be on the other side of want) was finally realizing his macho attitude had been extremely foolish immaturity. 

He had hated the silver-attuned folks, believed they deserved to be pulled down from their pedestals-it was his right to pull them down, and got the biggest shock of his life when he got thrown off his high horse and told that he wasn't someone to be sympathized with. 

It was an odd feeling.

Being humbled so bluntly by life was an odd sensation. His situation was even more ironic because he had fallen for another. The tough man who considered himself so powerful and in control was now experiencing the pain of unrequited love. The odds, the irony...the way he had been humbled...

Chuckling softly at how he had been turned into a complete joke, he stared at the silhouettes formed on thin white curtains and watched as they happily roamed in the kitchen.

His family...his...but he had been on the defensive for so long that they no longer considered him as theirs. He had spent his life wanting the best for Nabeel, loving his boy, and now his boy had already learned to be happy without him. 

"I am sorry...' He spoke into the hollows of the twilight, but the regrets were all so real, as his lashes lowered to his cheeks in plain exhaustion. 

It had been a long and hard battle. 

A war against his status, the streets, and eventually he had to accept that it was what it was. He was a poor street boy grown among poverty and trash. He was weak and dirty. He had been fighting against himself for so long. 

Today, he wanted to fight for someone else. The always-so-selfish him was no longer the man he used to be five years ago. His arrogance, pride...everything had been turned into a sheer form of mockery for him.

Undermining Jasmine's pain, Sila's pain had led him to this...

He hadn't understood the consequences of leaving behind scorned hearts. He had been so confident about his power and strength. Five years of isolation and thinking had scorched him into understanding how ignorant he had been. 

The silhouettes moved before his eyes, and his wife picked up his son and swayed in absolute joy. The duo was making a cake. 

The image pricked the tears in his eyes. 

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