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Fog floats in the air, creating a white haze over the large building and causing goose bumps to appear on my skin. I rub my arms to keep warm, but my attempt is futile as the cold stings my skin anyway. I glance at the building again and swallow away my anxiety. How am I ever going to find him? 

"You better pick up" I mutter as a cloud of vapour escapes from my mouth. This is John's voicemail...blah blah blah. I shake my head disappointedly and stuff my phone back into the back pocket of my jeans. He is unbelievable.

I will just go in and ask a random person if they know where a certain John Marsh spends his time. I lock the Audi and hold his lunchbox close to my chest. The sound of passing cars drowns out the crunch of leaves under my shoes.

Once inside, the warmth engulfs me and I heave a sigh. It's much better here. I look around and a lady behind a desk notices my searching gaze. "Are you looking for someone ma'am?"

Glad I didn't have to talk first, I walk forward and reach her desk. "Actually, I am. I'm here to see John Marsh. He's my uncle."

She chuckles and leans back in her desk chair. "Madam, we have had three people this week claiming to be related to someone who works here and each time they were fans, so please show your ID or proof that you are related to him."

I am visibly surprised by her comment and start to get nervous. "Uh, sure." 

I feel her disapproving gaze scanning my outfit as I search my bag for my ID. They could definitely hire some friendlier people. I hand over my ID and show a picture of my uncle and I together.

I don't really know how to prove this because I am absolutely dumbfounded by this situation. "Fine, I'll call him for confirmation, take a seat over there." Her crooked index finger points to a row of chairs and I sit down uncertainly. She scares me.

"Good afternoon John, there is a girl here who claims to be your niece and that she-" she awkwardly clears her throat when I hear my uncle loudly through the phone. Bingo. "oh-okay, I'll send her your way." The lady scratches her forehead embarrassed and puts the phone back in its holder. That's my cue to get up.

"My apologies, please follow me" She frees herself from her seat and starts walking in front of me. I offer her a small smile and follow the lady who is smaller than me but definitely in her forties.

"He works here, make sure you knock." She stops at a door in the hall where we were just walking and her annoyed expression is on her face again, but I offer her a smile. 

"Thank you very much." My tone was a mix of amusement and sarcasm. She turns around and grumbles some nonsense about her work. Grumpy ladies are always so funny for some reason. I shake off the strange encounter and knock on the door.

A man about my uncle's age opens the door and raises his eyebrows in confusion, as do I. "Who are you?" he asks.

"It's all right Anthony, that's my niece."

The Anthony dude opens the door further and lets me in after a quick apology. I am met with a room full of chairs and some footballers lying on them. My uncle stops massaging someone's calf and walks forward.

"Aha, there she is!" John receives me in a quick hug, but it's a little uncomfortable because his lunchbox is poking against my chest. 

"Yup here I am! Totally didn't drive all the way here to bring your lunch just because you don't like the mashed potatoes..." I mutter the last bit quietly, but some people in this room have heard it and start chuckling.

"To be honest, the mashed potatoes here could use some seasoning." The voice belongs to a boy with a wrapped ankle and of course my uncle is happy to point out his equality. His hands move towards the boy and he looks at him with satisfaction. "You see, even he thinks so, thank you Ben."

I roll my eyes and hand him the box. This Ben certainly had to rub it in. "Thanks, honey." He checks it and looks up from the box to my face. It's as if he saw a spider come out of the box.

"What is it?" Panic rises in my chest and he closes the lid again. 

"You brought the wrong lunch box."

My expression drops completely and a lot of swearing goes through my head, but I remain unmoving. I am annoyed with him, but mostly with myself.

My feet move backwards and I shake my hands to avoid getting angry. I swear this happens all the time. A snicker makes me turn around. "It's just a joke Louna" He laughs out loud and my eyes shoot daggers at his face. "Dammit you should have seen your face." 

The Anthony man starts laughing softly and I shoot him a glare. He embarrassedly clears his throat and proceeds to treat a player. I turn my gaze back to Uncle John.

"Not funny uncle, I will crash your Audi and say it was a joke, would you laugh then?" I wave the car keys in front of his face and he gets sobered up really quickly. "Please god no, not my Audi." 

A few more snickers emerge from the room at my uncle's pleading behaviour and I laugh along at how easy it is to change his mood. "It's just a joke" I retort with his same words and he narrows his eyes, causing the skin around his eyes to wrinkle.

"Not funny" he says and snatches the keys from my hand. I throw my head back and laugh out loud. I love teasing my family.

He walks back to his previous patient and starts massaging the calf again. A stubborn look covers his face and he slightly pivots the other way when he notices me approaching him. My arm gives him a slight shove and I grab a round chair without a backrest that spins around. The leather is comfortable as I spin a few rounds.

"You know I can't go home without the car keys, right? So now you're practically holding me hostage in your workplace." 

He huffs and pretends to be hurt by our earlier conversation, but I see him smile out of the corner of my eye. 

"Uncle John, don't be pissed off. I would never crash your Audi, maybe carjack it." I taunt him, letting a smirk rest on my face and he looks horrified. But I tell him again that it's a joke, although he doesn't really believe it and gives me a sceptical look.

"Ugh fine, if you're holding me hostage I might as well get comfortable. Hey Anthony where is the cafeteria?" I turn the chair in his direction and he looks flustered, he's definitely a shy type. "Uh it's a bit further down the hall and then-"

"Anthony, I thought we were friends!" Uncle John exclaims and throws his hands in the air. There went my chance. 

My eyes roam the room bored and a boy to my left makes my face light up. As the two bicker, I ask the boy where the cafeteria is. His name is Enzo. I thank him and leave the room unnoticed by my still arguing uncle and Enzo gives me a wink, before I click the door shut.


Enzo and Louna's friendship= loading

Love my boy Enzo <3

In the next chapter, some shit's about to go down...

Lots Of Love


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