T W E N T Y O N E (B O N U S ?)

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I took my time processing the betrayal. The heartbreak was still fresh and I mostly distanced myself from everyone and reflected on the situation. Life goes on, so should I.

João wasn't in the right state of mind either, but we helped each other out. He stayed over so we both didn't feel alone and took a break from football, which was unfortunate, but I respected his decision.

Hunter has grown out of his bad habits and is now in a financially stable family, I am so glad he is doing better.

I haven't heard from Alexander or Isabella yet. I don't know if I ever will, but at the moment I am okay with that. Eventually it was time to go back to England, because my three months weren't up yet. My mother wasn't keen on me going back, but she knew what had happened and let me go. Besides, I am an adult, so she can't guard me forever, no matter how much she would like to.

Right now, a beautiful sunset is on display. Orange, red and purple streaks colour the darkening sky in a way that brings comfort.

It has been a few weeks since that situation occurred and as our last day here, we decided to go to the beach. My head is leaning on João's shoulder as I sigh at the setting sun and the gentle waves rocking on the shore.

His arm is wrapped around my body and my knees are pulled up, feeling his warmth comforting me. I feel him kiss the top of my head.

"It's time to go"

I hum absentmindedly and look up to meet his gaze. He chuckles softly as he brushes away a few messy strands on my face. His eyes stare at me with an inexplicable feeling.

"I'm sorry," I tell him, sighing again and I see him frown. Swallowing, I look away guiltily. "The past two weeks have been a mess, I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I'm so sorry."

There is silence and I feel his fingertips on my chin, making me look at him. "You are talking nonsense. None of this was your fault otherwise I could say sorry too."

I bite the inside of my cheek and look from his left eye to his right, a question keeps haunting the back of my mind and I hear João sigh, picking up on what I am thinking. What about us now?

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me against him "Let's just go home hm?" I nod, knowing we'll have to talk about that another time, when we're both in the right mindset, without chaos around us.

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

"Hey, are you ready?" Uncle John speaks, causing me to flinch because I hadn't seen him pop up behind my door.

"Oh yeah almost, have you seen João?" I ask as I give him a soft smile. I haven't seen João since we went to sleep after the beach last night, I think he was up before me and got ready.

"Someone said my name?" Speaking of the devil himself, he pops up behind my uncle and pokes his head through the door above my uncle's. I chuckle at the sight.

"He was packing" My uncle smiles and takes a step back, closing the door with a wink to leave us alone. He's probably happy to go back to England and Chelsea today.

I send João a small smile and then turn back to my suitcase, not really knowing how to proceed since we haven't really talked about our relationship status yet. I hum softly to myself and let him wander around my room. He snoops around a bit and then stands by my closet, opening the door. I don't really mind, oh wait-

"What's this?" He has a cheeky grin on his face as he pulls out a cardboard box from the back of my closet. I mentally smack myself as I press my lips together. I should have thrown that box away.

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