T W E N T Y | PT.1

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João and I take a long look at each other and start to approach him. João is still wearing his football clothes, but he couldn't care less as he nears our childhood friend with a sharp gaze. I walk along and squeeze his hand. I would be lying if I wasn't at least a little anxious.

Why would Hunter do it? When? And just-what was the reason? I can't fathom that he would do anything. It's such a coincidence that we were sitting next to each other. I mean that's crazy, just after the day we found out about the bracelet the thief was sitting next to me.

We reach Hunter and he gulps. He trembles slightly with fear.

"I didn't do a-anything!"

I frown and scoff. "Then why did you run if you have nothing to hide?"

I have physically had enough of his talk and promptly decide to grab him by his collar and push him against the icy wall, preventing him from running away again.

His eyes flash with concern as he gapes at me with big eyes. "I-I swear, it wasn't me!" he protests again and I feel João put a comforting hand on my shoulder, taking me back a little in case I go too far, but I don't believe this.

This whole situation leads to dead ends, it's like someone is playing a game with me and I'm so fed up I need answers, now.

He swallows as I push him more against the wall and the squeeze on my shoulder tells me to calm down before things get bad. "So you know what we're talking about?" I say sternly, slowly losing patience.

"You took the packages and letters, admit it" I say in a softer, cooler voice. He swallows again and I tilt my head, inspecting him. He does look scared, but that doesn't make any sense, does it?

João lets me handle the situation and I am sure he will open his mouth if things go a bit too far, because I know he's also angry and wants to say something about it.

"O-okay I did but-" I let go of his figure and watch him slump against the wall. João looks dumbfounded. So he actually did it?

But why?

I step back and shake my head. "It makes no sense. Why would you do that? I haven't seen you for ages and we have remained on good terms. I don't get it" I can't fathom how he, an always good, dear friend, would do this shit.

I wait for his reply and he looks at me while biting his lips anxiously.

The sound of footsteps against the pavement indicates that Théo, Alexander and Isabella have just arrived, and I watch as Hunter's eyes send desperate glances at my friends. As if they will help him.

"Why are you looking at them? Look at me. They're not gonna help you" I scoff and inch a little closer to his face.

My friends say nothing as they watch the scene with curious eyes. The truth is right in front of us, all I have to do is grab it.

"For the last time"

He swallows and the sound fills the tense alley. The silence has never been so loud, except for the trickling water that plummets onto the pavement due to a leak in the pipe above us. It slowly trickles down like a timer, making him more nervous with each drip, drip, drip.




"Because of them"

Fireproof  [João Félix]Where stories live. Discover now