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"We're not breaking in"

He raises his eyebrows "And who exactly is stopping us?"

"The government!" I exclaim, throwing my hands around to state the most obvious answer that exists in the world.

He carefully looks around and then shrugs "I don't see anyone from the government, so let's go" I slap my hand on my forehead and yank him back by the collar of his shirt.

"Not happening, we'll find another way to see where the letters have really arrived" It's early in the morning and we're standing in front of a closed post office because João had the most brilliant idea of breaking in to see if he could find some files. We're not some trained detectives so I, having a brain that works, stop his outrageous actions.


"We found something!" shouts Théo frightened. João and I tense up at this newfound information. We wait anxiously for him to continue.

"So I had a chat with the postman this morning and he was a big fan of João and told me that he always used to deliver letters from him to a certain address. It was yours Louna!"

João and I blow out our held breath and Théo is confused by our lack of reaction while Isabella eyes Alexander confused. João's hand goes to his neck and he rubs it shyly. Of course, they didn't know about the letters, so this 'newfound information' is a false alarm.

"She already knows that I sent those" João says and suddenly a light goes on in my head.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! You said the postman delivered them to my house?"

"Hm, but why is that important?" Théo asks not following the situation. I snap my head towards João and my eyes widen. 

"So no one from England intercepted the letters. It was someone from Portugal, because the postman literally had the letters in his hands."

"Wait, you never got them? I thought you received them and hid it from us all the time." Théo blows out some air as his hands make a fake explosion, showing that he is even more confused than before.


He sulks and a pout adorns his face. "Come on, we'll find another way. Wouldn't want to visit you in jail" I chuckle and he shoves me aside, almost causing me to fall off the pavement. "Hey! That's mean" I shove him too, resulting in us having a play fight.

"No, no, no. Don't you dare drop me!" I yell out, as somehow he managed to get me on his shoulder, ready to throw me on the street if he wanted to.

"I could throw your ass underneath a car, you know that, right?"

"Well, then you'll definitely face jail, but this time for murder!" I grunt out the last part in a bitter way and I can feel him shrugging his shoulders by the way my body moves up.

"João Félix Sequeira! Put. Me. down!" Luckily we're in a calm street, so only a few people glance our way.

"Only if I get to investigate" He sulks like a baby and I groan, throwing my head down in defeat. My body slackens and I give up, there's literally no point in arguing with him.

"You can investigate, without  breaking the law." I roll my eyes and quickly wrap my arms around his waist, as he makes a false move in an attempt to drop me.

"João" I grit out, "Not funny"

He chuckles and I feel his abs tense under my touch. Of course, that's it. I can tickle him, that man is so sensitive and if it costs me to fall onto the ground then so be it.

"Louna, what are you- no don't-okay okay! I'll put you down." He sighs and when my feet finally touch the ground I shake my head in disappointment.

"We're not breaking in. We'll just ask the staff once the post office is open, all right?"

He crosses his arms and rolls his eyes. "All right then"

I smirk triumphantly and walk on towards Cobham centre on this sunny day.

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

"Hello, we'd like to know if it's possible to see if a few letters he sent have arrived" The old, wrinkly man behind the counter turns in his chair and eyes us from above his squared glasses.

I promised João after work, as soon as the post office opened, we'd go in and 'investigate' further, his words not mine. So leaning against the rather high reception desk, I play with the few friendship bracelets from two summers ago.

"No, only packages with a barcode or a unique reference number can be traced" I sigh and face a tanned João ready to fight the older man, who's clearly bored and not intimidated at all.

"That's everything?" the man asks in a slow, uninterested voice. João stares at him and I slap his elbow. When he says nothing, I look at the older man. "Yes, thank you."

We retreat and once we're out in the burning sun, I laugh, catching João off guard. "What?" he asks, scrunching up his nose in confusion.

"You really felt intimidated by that old man" I laugh and go sit on a nearby bench, feeling myself double over with laughter. "No" he reasons, stubbornly, "He was just really rude and kept staring at you in some creepy way." He defends himself and I shake my head in disbelief.

"Come on, let's go get some ice cream or something, clearly you need something sweet to crush that bitter look of yours." I pat him on the back and he scowls, mumbling that he's not bitter at all.

I move forward, thinking João is following me and adjust my crocheted top on my body.

"Wait!" he calls out, he wraps his finger around a loop of my shorts and pulls me flat against his chest. "Ouch, what was that for?" 

"I-wait a second, querida. I think I got something!" He grabs his phone from his pocket and I raise one eyebrow sceptically. What is he talking about?

His beige shirt that's unbuttoned dangerously low, flutters against his toned chest. It's really hot, so I'm not complaining about this sight- did I really just admit that?

Snapping me out of my daze, he flashes his phone in front of me. "A long time ago, I sent you a package and look!" he points to an e-mail. "It has indeed been delivered!" Now he remembers this? He beams at his little discovery and I can't help but let a smile make its appearance on my face.

"So you are saying that the package was indeed delivered to my house." I ponder, pursing my lips together in thought. This confirms Théo's earlier words. "And what the hell did you send me?"

"Doesn't matter! But at least that means we are somewhere in our investigation." He dramatically puts on his dark sunglasses, as elegantly as possible. 

"Call me João, João Bond."

His voice sounds cool and the accent makes it ten times funnier. "Yeah, and I'm one of your side hoes, aren't I?" I snatch his glasses off his face and put them on while resuming my walk.

He catches up with me quickly and huffs. "No you'd be my partner in crime, obviously" I hum and eye him out of the corner of my eye, watching the wind swirl through his brown hair.

"And" he retrieves his glasses from my head and puts them back on his nose with some extra, unnecessary sass. "Those are mine."


Writing this book is harder than I thought because the plot is so difficult to write. So I hope it's not too complicated and I'm sorry if there are plot holes, but you have to be smart to write a mystery book and I am not that smart 😭

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it and leaving a vote or comment would be super nice and it really motivates me to write :) Thanks for all the support so far <3

Lots Of Love


Fireproof  [João Félix]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz