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"Finally going home" I sigh delightedly and my uncle chuckles from the driver's seat. I get a slight sense of déjà vu when he picked me up a few weeks ago, but now I'm going back home for João's international break and also so my uncle can visit the family again. But first, we will pick up João so we can drive to the airport together.

"Your mother calls me non-stop to ask if we are on our way yet" my uncle breaks the silence as he rolls his eyes a little and I smile. Still a concerned woman, but I have to admit I missed her and Dad.

"Yeah, she also blew up my phone with text messages" I show him the screen and he glances sideways, letting out a breathless laugh.

After our talk, we sit in comfortable silence with the occasional hum of a passing car. While we still have some kilometres to go, I let my thoughts run wild.

I will finally see my friends again, but this time with João. After a few years, the group will be complete again. It's so strange to think about, but an unknowing smile creeps onto my face when I imagine it.

The sound of the GPS tells us we've reached our destination and just in time I see a fumbling João walking out of his house, trying to close the door, but the amount of luggage makes it impossible. The car stops and my uncle and I look at each other understandingly. I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car.

A cursing João hasn't seen me yet, so I sneak up behind him.


João is startled and drops everything at once, a pout adorning his features. His rucksack is scattered on the ground and his keys lie next to his shoe.

"Need some help?" I innocently hold my hands behind my back and move my feet back and forth while trying to hold back my laughter. Poor soul, I really scared him.

He turns around and sighs. "Maybe"

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──

The whole car ride consisted of me jamming to the best songs or annoying a sulky João, whose morning was a disaster. Starting with his alarm clock not going off then dropping his breakfast and me scaring him.

Now we're ready to board the plane and after secretly buying him breakfast, I join the two impatient men.

"What were you even doing?" asks João as we start walking so we don't miss our flight. I show the paper bag from behind my back and push it into his arms.

"Buying you breakfast" I give him a toothy smile and teasingly poke his belly, but damn I can feel his abs. "Wouldn't want you to starve right?" I give his belly another poke and he ruffles through my hair, pulling me against his chest, almost suffocating me. He is always so sweet to me. Note the sarcasm.

"Thank you Lou" he says after I manage to free myself from his grip. I blow some tangled locks away from my face. "Yeah no biggie, but I'd appreciate it if you expressed your thanks in a hug instead of attacking my poor hair."

Somewhere behind me, I hear my uncle sigh and mutter something about love, but I pay no attention to him as I sullenly walk next to a giggling João. I can't wait to go back.

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──

"There they are!" my friends shout when they see us walking around the airport. I'm back home and can't wait to make great memories here. I am a little sad that my parents couldn't pick me up, but my friends are here and that's more than enough to feel joy coursing through my veins again.

Leaving my luggage with my uncle, who encourages me to go, I quickly run to them and give them the biggest group hug. Making sure João isn't left out, I pull him into the hug, grabbing his hand to assure him it's okay.

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