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The jingling of keys wakes me from my slumber and my hand blindly reaches for the TV remote control. After the call, I lay on the sofa, watched a random show, or tried to. I just kept staring at the ceiling, thinking of everything and nothing, and eventually nearly drifted off to sleep.

I shoot upright, realising my own uncle has come home. Oh shit. I'm a little scared and nervous. Despite feeling nervous, I also feel a new strange courage bubbling up. He must have a good reason, besides, I'm here for what, two days? He would have told me, I'm sure. It was probably an accident that João and I met by chance.

What are the chances of me running into an old friend? 

Low, but there is a chance and it happened, so yes, case closed.

An almost grey bush of hair reveals itself behind the doorway and my eyes follow his every move as he enters the living room. He beckons me to move aside and I obey, shuffling a little further on the couch and he settles down with a thud.

Silence engulfs the room and my teeth nibble my lips, unsure of what to do or say.

"I'm sorry" he sighs, his hands rubbing his legs.

"I should have told you and I intended to, but I'd rather not tell you on your second day because you might be upset and I honestly just forgot about it." He sighs again, sad about his own actions and I feel a pit of guilt building up in my stomach. I hate seeing him sad.

"....It's fine, really. I'm not really upset that I suddenly met him, but... he doesn't remember me, uncle." My lip quivers and his eyes widen. I shift slightly towards him. "It feels like an old wound has reopened and I don't know if it's foolish for me to feel this way?" The uncertain glint of my eyes meets his and I start fiddling with my hands.

"He what? I'm sorry honey." His arms encircle me tightly and I hug him close to me, happy that this at least settles our problem. My face presses into his shoulder blade and he rocks me back and forth like my father did when I was little. He is literally a father figure to me.

Thoughts of João surface in my mind, old memories of us and I feel a wave of sadness and longing for that time. He can't just forget his old friends, can he?

We detach from the embrace and I rub my eyes to remove any trace of water that has collected in them. I might be a sentimental bitch, don't come at me.

"Shall I order pizza?" he asks and a dry chuckle leaves my mouth. "Weren't you on a diet?" He shrugs and shoves me so that I fall back onto the couch. His head shakes and the smile on his face brightens the atmosphere. 

"I stopped, realised I'm a fine piece of human being." He lifts the sleeve of his shirt and shows off his muscles. I laugh still lying on the sofa and stare at the ceiling. "Oh, show-off, and yes pizza sounds good-"

"-Oh and another thing." 

He stops his attempt to stand up and I lift myself off the couch. "Can I come to your work this week to..uh, maybe talk to him?" I scratch my head in slight embarrassment and look at nowhere in particular. Talking about him is still so weird and a bit uncomfortable.

"Sure, besides you could work there temporarily. Remember why your mother let you stay for three months, if-"

"-you work there temporarily, you can visit Uncle John." I groan internally and finish what my uncle was going to say. My mamã has told me this several times. She doesn't want me to be lazy when I'm here. It's the only reason she agreed, of course also with the help of my father.

"I will find work, just not at your club." My arms cross over my chest and Uncle John has already grabbed his phone and is scrolling through the various pizza options. 

"Just think about it? You're good at photography and cooking. I'm pretty sure there's a vacture open for it."

Well, if that's the case I might check it out. I like photography and cooking. Things I am very passionate about, but I don't know. I prefer photographing nature, old buildings... instead of training footballers.

"I don't-" he sends a stern look my way and I swallow the words I wanted to say against my will. "Fine, I'll think about it." He grins contentedly and I puff out some air.

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

*Enzo Fernández | EF13 (@enzojfernandez) started following you*

*Chilly (@Benchilwell) started following you*

Who-wait, are they from that club, let me check their insta. My eyes haven't widened in a while, but those numbers are damn big. What the hell. They're famous famous.

I scroll through Enzo's insta and see a lot of pictures with the Argentina club and a few with Chelsea Fc. Then I scroll through Ben's and it's more of a mix of daily photos and football. Seems like a nice guy, although I spoke to him briefly. Same with Enzo and he even saved me on my way to the cafeteria. I turn onto my left side and the sheets rustle with my movement. Should I accept it? 

As I scroll some more through Ben's insta, my finger freezes on a picture of him and João. Without thinking, I click on it, causing the picture to appear on full screen. João's name appears and I hesitate whether to look at his instagram or not, maybe he has blocked me?

I'm curious, but I don't want to disappoint myself so I quickly click away the picture and accept Ben and Enzo's friend requests. There's no harm in that, right?

Come to think of it, how the hell did they find my instagram?

Shutting off my phone, I ponder over it until I finally doze off.


Next chapter's gonna be fun :)

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