T W E N T Y T W O (B O N U S)

484 14 31

"Hey man, you're back!" A gleeful Kai hugs João as I trail behind him. We officially landed in England a few days ago and João is now back to training and I am back to my work here. He meets his fellow teammates with hugs and smiles as the atmosphere is far from gloomy. It's very lively and bubbly.

Feeling that this is a nice fresh start, I can't wait for what comes next. I hope we'll find our well-earned peace, filled with heartwarming moments. Watching the scene with a broad smile, a sudden loud screech echoes in the canteen after a door slams shut.


A huge impact collides with me as I am spun around and a few heads swivel our way. A startled gasp leaves my lips, but my face soon relaxes as I notice Enzo with a dimpled smile.  I can't help but break out in a similar smile as well.

"You're here!" Grinning, I give him an awkward pat and he takes the hint to let go, as he almost suffocates me with his big arms.

"Yeah... I'm back too?" João waves sarcastically as he is ignored by his best mate. Enzo's eyes flicker in his direction before a teasing pout graces his features. "Oh how sad..." But soon both men laugh and embrace each other in a firm hug. Oh, how I might have missed them all.

Not able to keep the wide smile off my face, I notice my trusted cooking friend at the back.

"Cathy!" I walk over to her and greet her with a hug too. "Did you keep up with David?" She rolls her eyes and heaves a deep sigh. "He is still as ignorant as ever" I chuckle at this and send a wave to a broad-shouldered David sitting at the back of the kitchen peeling tomatoes. He nods back briefly and I giggle softly.

"Well, it's good that I'm back, isn't it?"

"Thank God" She dramatically wipes her hand across her forehead and we both burst into laughter.

"What are you ladies talking about?" A sly João comes up from behind me and slips an arm around my waist, drawing me closer to his chest before placing a gentle kiss on my hair. I widen my eyes at his public affection and Cathy looks at us from head to toe with a grin while his friends seem to stiffen.

Raheem unconsciously nudges a shocked Kai before his wide-open mouth mutters something. "Bro, I think we missed a chapter..." A gasping Enzo shakes his head. "I think we missed a whole book."

Blushing in João's embrace, he only seems to smirk and rub my hips in a reassuring manner as he slowly sways me in his embrace.

"She's taken guys, so don't even try a thing with my girl" he announces seriously as his Adam's apple bobs up and down and a small glare is sent to his friends, making them recoil.

"Woah woah dude! We wouldn't dare!" Ben holds his hands in surrender and I roll my eyes, of course he wouldn't if he has a girlfriend. 

"Man pff... when will my time come?" Enzo sulks with big eyes and I give him a nudge. "When you actually talk to a woman without scaring her away."

He scowls and folds his arms. "Rude" But the laughter of his friends makes him crack up as well. Oh, maybe I have missed England.

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

"Do you think we'll ever see them again?" I whisper in the darkness of the night. I am huddled up in João's embrace, feeling the warm breeze of the summer air. We have just had a date night and are now snuggled together outside on a cosy sofa on his balcony. A fluffy blanket is draped over us while the light from a small lamp provides a cosy atmosphere.

He ponders over the thought as he plays with my hand, brushing his fingers along mine and then slowly intertwining them. I remove my gaze from our hands that he has placed on the blanket, where there is a small space between us.

"Maybe...but sometimes it's better to let go than to chase after something that's not worth it ."

I reflect and survey the view of the city offered by his large flat. The noise of speeding cars is surprisingly comforting. Leaning my head into his neck, I sigh softly as he presses me closer against him, making me feel more comfortable in the warmth of his embrace. "Maybe you're right. But I thought they were worth it. It's sad that you only learn their value when it's too late." I confess, still disappointed how the turn of events in Portugal turned out.

I can feel him nodding against my head and his fingertips slowly move under my waistband and caress the skin there. It spreads a wave of tingling over my body.

"They were valuable in the moments when they acted like their friendly selves. Only jealousy was the poison that affected their value. And if you let it blind you, it only goes down. They just made a wrong choice by not shoving that jealousy away."

Pouting my lips slightly, I understand where he is coming from. Maybe you're only meant for each other for a short period, that doesn't mean that period was a lie. It just wasn't meant to continue. Nodding again into his chest, he grins suddenly before drawing me even closer to him.

Hands on my hips, he flips me onto his lap. His hand reaches out and sweeps some strands from my face that were blown away by the gentle breeze. "I'd consider this moment very valuable. You are valuable" he admits in a soft but deeper-sounding voice. It sends shivers down my spine and warmth rises to my cheeks.

My face reveals a tiny smile and I let my eyes linger on his face for a brief moment. My whisper gets carried away by the wind, right to the depths of his heart. "You being here with me-scratch that- just your existence, is valuable to me. It gives me an extra reason to care about life, an extra reason to love life."

The quiet, shared moment is probably one of my favourite feelings. You can tell love is present, connecting both of us through something similar we share. Our affection for each other runs deep in our veins and just by gazing into his eyes I can tell I matter so much to him to the extent he cannot express in words.

"I love you" he blurts out and my cheeks get hotter than the first time. I let a faint smile tug at the corner of my mouth and still feel his fingertips caressing my hips. "I love you more"


Leaving me no time to respond, he seals this moment with a tender but passionate kiss. Leaving me breathless, but feeling loved, so so loved.


Surprise! I thought I'd finally upload it after talking abt it for so long. Special s/o to my best supporter. @su0avee There are so many more lovely people who have supported me, but girl you have really helped me so here's a chapter for you.

Lots Of Love


Fireproof  [João Félix]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang