An exam

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After I read the question a thousand times, I decided that my answer is true. I changed my mind a lot (I am a Gemini rising) but I knew my answer HAD TO BE TRUE. When I told this nobody accepted it and told me the answer is A. I knew it was C. We started to argue (I know I argue in each chapter). Then we heard the door open loudly.

"It has to be C, Yep, 1 and 3 are true while 2 is false..." ISTP was talkin to himself. I just asked "Which one is the question?" as I already knew which one it was. "You gonna tell me why it's A like the annoying teachers right? Anyways, it's maths the 3rd question OK?" he said.

Whoa! I accidentally found someone thinking the same as me. "Then show me how it's C" I said angrily, like others. He just solved the question in front of us and I showed my booklet. "That's what I've been thinking for minutes" I said. He was surprised like me too and and asked "Then why did you act like you found A?"

Really? You think they'll accept it's C? They are not that warmhearted. Anyways, I just went to the teachers room and ISTP followed me. We found our ESTJ maths teacher, Tiffany. We were just about to show the question, then the teacher got an empty booklet and gave it to us. "Show me, but know there are no wrong questions. I HAVE WORKED FOR 2 MONTHS FOR THIS 20 QUESTIONS!" she yelled and we pointed at the 3rd question. She didn't even solve the question and asked us "Really? Couldn't you solve that easy question? The answer is way too clear. It's... C."


I just told ISTP to bring the answer key. He rushed to the class and brought a copy within seconds. Miss Tiffany told us that she will change the answer key and the exam results papers. I just said a huge thanks and left the teachers' room happily. ISTP told the class that the answer is C, as the teacher has said. They still kept tellin it is A. "Just let them believe 'what they want' and don't spend time. They have never believed somethin' else." I told to ISTP and the English class started.

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