Memefictioned 1

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(A little note: These memefiction parts are not about the story. It's just a corner that will make you laugh at each 7 chapter.)


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ENFP: A real comedy. Has some sad parts, but 95% of the movie kills from laughter. Includes a protagonist of a clown.

ENFJ: (sorry guys I don't know much about u but lets give it a try) Some kinda epic movie. Has got a lot of emotional and heroic parts. Could be a 2000-paged novel if written cause there are more than 100 characters.

INFJ: Simply Harry Potter. But with more romantic parts instead of those potion classes. And there are less characters than ENFJ's (about 15 or 20 characters).

INFP: Includes a daisy-lover girl as the main character. A bit romance. Some kinda drama movie. The girl feels bullied.

INTP: (You all guessed right) A real scifi movie. There are no aliens or other creatures as a difference. The people just go to Mars and explore there.

ENTP: A mix of action, drama and comedy. Cause ENTP's change mind very often (thats what happens to me all the time) their feelings switch between each other too. Probably has a university student as main.

ENTJ: A war and action movie. Protagonist gets better when win. Has a leader and some buddies used as army.

INTJ: A fiction movie that goes deep down in the mind. May include chess and maths.

ISTJ: A retired man's story. The main character knows a lot and tries to teach younger people. But there is a generation difference and the movie goes on.

ESTJ: An action and a small comedy. About the gossips, the papers and hard work on business. Someone stupidly falls in love but that is not the main hero.

ESFJ: A melodramatic movie about a girl with many friends and she fell in love with another character. She can't reach the boy.

ISFJ: A sitcom but less comedy and more like a home series. Is not a movie, it's more like series with a polite father and a caring mother.

ISFP: A tragedy from a dog's mouth. The dog looks happy but he isn't. Being a stray dog is difficult, especially with that ... cats (fill the blank with a bad word).

ISTP: A horror and action movie. Actually there is less horror. A cold guy as protagonist. People are driving very fast.

ESTP: Action movie. Includes crime, has a fast and furious theme. There is a sport in main.

ESFP: A girl goes into a party and gets some alcohol. She faints and she finds herself in a different room. She is kidnapped and the film goes on like this.

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